About Me — Joshua.M.W

Joshua M W
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readApr 17, 2024

Third-culture kid pursuing a bachelors and wholesome living

My striving for a more holistic living

Greetings to all, and yes, I am a real person. That may sound exactly like what AI would say, but I can assure you that there is an avid writer and reader on the other side of this screen.

My journey to this medium would be much like yours, borne from curiosity. I actually stumbled across this platform while looking for information on a famous lion coalition. I will admit, all things wildlife, specifically the African big five, are my nerdy interests. From there, I read more and more articles on here and found out I too could offload my interests for any like-minded people to read in written form, which is perfect since I love to write.

Writing built empires and preserved them for millennia, and being a history buff is one of the reasons I like this medium of conveying information so much; pun intended. It is truly an art and something I seek to hone and sharpen during my time here as I collaborate and interact with you all. Beyond my personal interests, I want to promote what I find to be the most holistic practices, whether that is by describing why a specific philosophy is advantageous or any health and wellness content, among other things like:

- Book recommendations
- Exercise regiments
- Mindfulness

Everything that leads to a fuller human, because that is what I think we were made to be. Fulfilled humans.”

More about me as a person

I was born in Nairobi, Kenya. A pretty up and-coming part of the Continent of Africa. However I cannot say in good faith that it was a formative place for me, by the age of two my mother moved me and my siblings to the United Arab Emirates which by 2007 was not up-and-coming but the place to be even then. The expat population was surging and only increasing. It was the new West for people from third and second world countries.

Growing up there was truly formative, it is where I became a third culture kid who is one that grew up in a culture other than their parent’s and/or Their nationality. That nomenclature is the most apt way of putting the experience of growing up in a place like Dubai, because of the large expat population you are not just being inundated into the Emarati culture but pieces of cultures from around the globe. Suffice to say I call that place home and am the way I am because of my time there. Also I was fortunate enough to travel at a young age so Europe and America and the Caribbean were in my repertoire of experiences by the time I was entering High school. For High school I attended a small Mennonite boarding school in Montana for a year and again got the opportunity to live in a different world essentially. I then went on to finish high school in a Georgia public High school and now I’m pursuing a bachelors in Computing with a concentration in cyber-security.

Miscellaneous things now


While in High school I ran track specifically long distance. I won the most Improved award my freshman year but the love-hate relationship with running cut my potential short.


I am currently attempting to become a renaissance man but there are so many things that I want to do like learn to play the trumpet, guitar and to make pottery as well as learn two new languages for now. Currently I am making steady progress on the languages but you can only be pulled into so many directions.


As of a year ago reading has become one of my favorite past times. Specifically about history which has always been something I enjoyed.

Cycling has become one as well and swimming.

Wood carving as well, really because I want to get to the point where I can do iconography because I find orthodox icons very beautiful

some hobbies I would love to add would be of course the above mentioned ones like pottery but horse-back riding,rock climbing and if I live somewhere where it is possible, snorkeling



Joshua M W
About Me Stories

Young avid writer, looking to sharpen my skills on any and every platform, I don't have any specific focuses so I write whatever has been on my mind as of late