About Me — Julia Kors

One of many voices from Ukraine. IT girl starting life from scratch.

Julia Korsunska
About Me Stories
3 min readNov 10, 2022


Greetings and nice to meet you! Let me introduce you to the beginner writer (it’s me), who has something to tell this world.

I am a regular Ukrainian girl, from a regular family, with having regular biography. School-University-Work. Nothing exciting.

Have you read the previous paragraph? Thank you for it, however, it won’t come in handy, because you will not see such stories in my content. At the same time, I am a person, who had 5 jobs in IT, got a bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, has been to 20 countries, and went to school and college, but didn’t complete any. Also, I have scientific publications, which were presented in United Nations, I speak 4 languages (could be 5 actually) and btw I’m 22.

Hey, it’s me!

One of the things, which makes me special is my ability to get into unusual sometimes ridiculous situations one by one. Often I tell about them to my friends and many times from different people I’ve heard that my life is worth being a tv series. And I am like a scenarist with an already-written script. I don’t need anything to imagine, just live.

I have kept this idea for a while, though I never took the courage to tell my stories publicly. Although, I imagined how I could do it pretty well. I’ve seen my life as a sitcom with clear episodes, every of which could be a separate story.

However, as I mentioned, I am Ukrainian. So, I don’t need to describe a lot to say that my funny comedy-like life was ruined overnight. My prism of vision drastically changed and now I live and write in a different genre. Drama, tragedy, historical novel.

Writing helps me to control my emotions, which I have too many. Also, it is a way to tell my story to the world. In my opinion, it must be heard. I read to learn something new and live through different experiences, which I don’t have a chance to touch in real life. I write to give my readers the same opportunity. Just one more of all the available ones.

In my blog, you will see my vision of war, some personal stories of surviving it, life in Ukraine, where I currently am, and the struggles of a refugee, whom I was and probably will be again. Also, here I will be sharing my path of self-search in the professional world after being lost and under such circumstances. Despite having years of experience working in IT, I start everything from scratch. With precise journaling.

The meaning of life always changes, but that it never ceases to be.

© Victor Frankl

Of course, I have some off-top hobbies, so articles about language learning, traveling, or just some random or not thoughts are not excluded either.

If you feel that something of those can be interesting to you, I will be happy to see you among my followers. Feel free to check my content and decide.

Some of my stories:

Thank you for reading this!

You can also find me on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter (here I am not an active user, but if followers appear I’ll fix that). Let’s connect!



Julia Korsunska
About Me Stories

Former Software Dev | Sociology student | Ukrainian. Writing about war, life, books and society. Based in Kraków, Poland @thejuliakors