About Me — Karen DeGroot Carter

Author. Editor. Poet. Mom. Also a total grammar geek and word nerd.

Karen DeGroot Carter
About Me Stories


Photo of a large family in a park setting.
Photo credit: Lisa Miller of Studio di Luce

Hello! I’m very grateful to Quy Ma at About Me Stories for inviting me to submit my bio to his terrific publication. As my subhead states above, I’m an author, editor, poet, and mom, and I’m also a total grammar geek and word nerd. I grew up in upstate New York in Syracuse; attended Syracuse University; and have lived in Hartford (CT), Nashville, Dallas, and Denver. My three kids have grown up primarily in Denver, so that’s where my immediate family calls home. My siblings (pictured above sans one brother; I’m the second sister from the right), live all over the U.S., with my parents still in the house they bought shortly after I turned one.

What I do

While I studied journalism in college, I’ve worked in marketing departments of multiple companies and have always found the corporate world a fun place to work as a writer and editor, especially when I’m in a department that includes graphic designers and other creative types.

In between corporate gigs when I was a stay-at-home mom, I did freelance projects that included wordsmithing everything from emails to press releases to book manuscripts. I also blogged in pre-Facebook and Medium days on my blog Beyond Understanding in order to research and…



Karen DeGroot Carter
About Me Stories

Bylines in Publishers Weekly, Literary Mama, others. One Sister’s Song (novel). Not Nearly Everything You Need to Know About Writing (ebook).