About Me — Karl Cutler

Give Me a Shot: Writing, AI, and the Quest to Prove Myself.

Karl Cutler
About Me Stories
7 min readFeb 27, 2024


Me and My Girlfriend a few years ago.

Let’s start with an introduction. Hello, my name is Karl Cutler, but I’m also known as “isekarl” on TikTok, and “Kharlemagne” has become my gamertag across most gaming platforms as well as my pen name for my fiction writing. Before diving deeper, I want to be transparent about the type of writer I am.

I extensively use AI to assist me in writing, even allowing it to act as a unique AI ghostwriter for me. If this revelation discourages you from engaging with my work and content, I completely understand. However, I kindly request that you hear me out in this “About Me” story. I’ll explain precisely why and how I utilize AI, along with my goals for its use. By the end of this, I hope you’ll have enough information to decide whether I deserve the titles of writer or author.

But first, let me share more about myself — it is an “About Me” story, after all. I was born and raised in Illinois for the first ten years of my life before moving to Indiana, where I’ve lived ever since. As a child, I was always full of hyperactive energy. In fact, I was diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia. Then, at the age of 10, I was hit by a car, resulting in a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Consequently, sitting still and focusing have never been my strong suits. I’ll be honest, I barely understood what any of this meant as a kid. I disliked the idea of being held back by these conditions and wanted to prove I was just as capable as anyone else. While I acknowledge these issues, especially in conversations, they were merely that to me — topics of discussion. However, as I’ve gotten older, my perspective has shifted, and I feel like I’m beginning to understand myself for the first time.

Ever since I was young, I’ve had a deep fascination with movies, TV shows, video games, and pop culture in general. Whether it was getting completely immersed in a world or intrigued by the creation of these shows, I’ve always wanted to be a part of it. This led me to start and restart various projects, from YouTube channels and podcasts to writing books and creating media content. Unfortunately, if I’m honest with myself, I’ve lacked the discipline and direction needed to see these projects through. I believe I have potential but haven’t found the right way to harness it. Starting new projects often felt like a response to brain clutter — the more complicated a project became or the more uncertain I was about the next steps, the more likely I was to see it as a sign of failure and move on to something new. I’m not entirely sure if I’m repeating this pattern even now. The only thing I feel certain about is that my mental health challenges are likely connected to this cycle, but I despise the notion of being limited by something I can’t physically see. It’s like knowing precisely why something won’t work yet persisting in spite of that knowledge, not out of choice but almost passively.

To be particularly honest, discussing these topics is challenging for me. I often subject myself to mental scrutiny, influenced by an environment that sometimes made me feel lazy or as if I was just making excuses. While there may be some truth to that, it doesn’t fully capture my experience. However, this self-scrutiny makes it difficult to move forward, a pattern I find myself repeating often.

I suspect those experiencing imposter syndrome can relate to this sentiment. I’m often deeply inspired by the work of others, drawn from a wide array of interests. This inspiration is so compelling that I immediately want to start new projects, even if it means abandoning my previous endeavors. As I attempt to articulate my thoughts, they may come across as disorganized and difficult to follow. So, let’s refocus and address a pivotal question: how did I get into writing? This seems like an appropriate starting point.

Creativity has always been a significant part of my life, as evidenced by my numerous past projects. I’ve deeply engaged in role-playing games, from childhood pretend play to Dungeons and Dragons, where crafting worlds, quests, and stories is key. I’ve always had a knack for these creative exercises, despite my inability to stay still. This has been a consistent challenge for years, yet I have a strong desire to make a mark in this field. Then, AI came into my life.

Believe it or not, I was intrigued by AI art even before it became a widespread topic of discussion, predating ChatGPT and other well-known platforms. There was a system developed by a NASA engineer, if I recall correctly, around 2020 or 2021. I was eager to dive deep into it, but my computer, lacking a graphics card, limited my explorations. Nevertheless, I was captivated. My interests have since varied widely, but the advent of chat-based AI has been revolutionary for me. It’s difficult to overstate how this technology has transformed my creative process. With ChatGPT, every fragment of my imagination can be realized. It clarifies my thoughts, making them accessible and expanding upon them in collaboration with me.

Currently, I use ChatGPT for all my writing and plan to continue doing so. The process involves dictating my thoughts into a microphone for speech-to-text conversion in the chat interface. Once I’ve articulated my ideas, ChatGPT helps organize them coherently. This task, seemingly insurmountable for me, involves distilling the chaotic thoughts in my mind into something understandable for others. If it were within my capability to do so independently, my communication skills would undoubtedly be better.

Here is a screenshot of how I spoke into ChatGPT.

With AI, I feel like I can truly advance in my writing. When it comes to nonfiction, the challenge lies in articulating words in a way that makes cohesive sense, and AI assists me greatly in this regard. In the realm of fiction, my mind harbors an infinite array of ideas, each capable of being elaborated upon with AI’s help to form coherent narratives. Furthermore, AI’s contribution to art generation allows me to create visual concepts and art, a feat I could never achieve without such tools. AI empowers everyone to express themselves in ways that were previously out of reach.

However, I wish to clarify my stance regarding the use of AI. I distance myself from those who rely solely on AI, removing the human element entirely. I admit, I once attempted this approach, but it felt lacking, as if I had imposed limits on myself. The world progresses at an incredible pace, and it’s in moments like these that we should embrace collaboration. Every individual is unique, and AI has the potential to amplify this uniqueness. Therefore, we shouldn’t restrict its use simply because it’s easier, nor should we criticize it out of fear of change. Instead, let AI assist us in reaching new heights we never thought possible.

Now, regarding my goals on Medium: Despite my handicaps and my reliance on AI, I aspire to earn the titles of writer or author. I aim to shift perceptions about AI usage, advocating for its responsible application rather than facing persecution. Ultimately, I wish to make writing my profession. Currently facing a financial downturn, I find myself with limited talents, working as a busboy at a Walmart deli. My immediate goal is for writing to supplement my income, but I dream of the day it becomes my primary occupation.

My Medium content will span various topics, including AI, mental health, writing and more than likely pop culture, under the name Karl Cutler. I might even branch out on occasion to test out the waters of other topics from time to time. While I may not be an expert, I offer unique perspectives, sharing and expressing my evolving thoughts and opinions. Additionally, my Substack, titled “The Kharlemagne Khronicles,” will feature my nonfiction writing and short stories under the pen name Kharlemagne, serving as a creative outlet for my restless mind.

Returning to Medium, I’m particularly interested in article writing, as its format suits my need for manageable completion times better than lengthy novels. Given the chaotic nature of my thoughts and the difficulty in staying focused, this approach feels more attainable.

In conclusion, I’m just a guy who loves to write but struggles with organizing my thoughts, and AI has become an indispensable tool in bridging that gap. If you’ve made it this far, I sincerely thank you for hearing me out.

Whether you agree with my use of AI or not, if you’re open to giving my work a chance, I’d be incredibly grateful. I aim to engage with every comment as part of my commitment to connect with my audience. I'm looking for constructive feedback I'm looking for any sort of advice and direction I don't want this to be another failed attempt I want this to be something that I can grow from and build off of so please let me know your thoughts.

Thank you once again for your time and consideration. Much, much love.

