About Me — kasey sparks

Curiosity is the spark behind my spark // Updated August 2023

kasey sparks
About Me Stories


My favorite spot at my favorite time of the day // Author’s photo

I’ve always been intensely curious.

I’m curious about the world around me, the world inside me, and the world inside others. I love to hear people’s stories — how they got from point A to point B, why they do the things they do and think the things they think.

My curiosity is never about judgment, but instead about understanding. I enjoy learning through interaction, conversations, and experiences.

As a child, I drove my dad crazy with all my curious questions. I suppose I was a bit annoying with my incessant whys, hows, and whats. When he’d finally reached his max for the day, he’d say, “Kasey, figure it out for yourself.”

The hard part with that was at the time there weren’t many options to get information other than my bicentennial edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica. There was no WWW back then.

And the other hard part was that my questions weren’t just about gaining information, but also about seeing the world through my dad’s eyes.

Unfortunately, the man I married wasn’t comfortable with my inquisitiveness. He was a very private person and he dodged and deflected my questions with all the skills of a judo master. He had thick armor around his…



kasey sparks
About Me Stories

making mistakes · gathering lessons · sparking curiosity · unearthing guidance in life's illuminating moments · wrangling words since 2017