About Me — Kathy Chaffin Gerstorff

Writer, Poet, Flower Child, Perpetual Student, Bibliophile, Technophile, Nature Lover, Mermaid…

About Me Stories
Published in
4 min readDec 17, 2020


To find love, give love. ~ Kathy Chaffin Gerstorff

I’m excited to find a home for my blog writing on Medium. I have written on many platforms over the years starting with AOL in the late 90’s. When Medium first started, I was writing on WordPress and Blogger. I wish I would have paid more attention when I first heard of this platform for passionate writers and voracious readers, but no worries, I’m here now with you!

I love Medium’s clean design with no annoying pop-ups or banner ads. It’s so refreshing and very much worth the cost of a cup of coffee to read unique stories and discover talented writers.

I’m so glad you are here with me. I appreciate your support. Below is a little about me. Feel free to comment or message me if anything resonates or inspires you.

My mission is to use my God-given talents to inspire and empower others to live their best life. My ongoing goal is to strengthen my mind, body and spirit through continuous learning, writing, and plant-based nutrition. It is my honor and moral obligation to help others along the way.

Poetry and music are life elixirs to me. I love listening to all kinds of music, reading poetry, and writing poems; especially poems to…



About Me Stories

Writer focused on holistic health, poetry, personal development, spirituality, technology, books, movies, and music.