About Me — Katie Sheps

A dreamer who’s learning to become a doer.

Katie Sea
About Me Stories


Image by my friend, Ellenah (used with permission)

Table of Contents

· Bio
· My Top Articles
· Some fast facts about me
· Contact Me


Hello and welcome to my written world! My name is Katie Shepherd (but you’ll see most of my content under the name, Creatively Adventurous).

I’ve just ticked into my mid-20’s and over the past few months, I’ve been working hard on improving my writing ability. I’ve also been adventuring and getting creative in as many ways as I can — hence the name ‘Creatively Adventurous’.

Image by the author (when I turned 25)

Since leaving school at 18 years old, my life has been pretty hectic: this year has been my longest stint living in my hometown without travelling abroad. I wouldn’t consider myself a cliché millennial who loves to travel — although I will admit that at one point my eyes were dazzled by the idea of a travel influencer lifestyle. I’m glad to say that that is far from what I want now.

The majority of my travelling has been a means to spend time advancing in my favourite…



Katie Sea
About Me Stories

Biology Grad & PADI Divemaster | ex-Producer at a travel startup and accumulated a year's worth of travel experience | Writing whatever piques my curiosity