About Me — Kayla Hicks

A multi-genre indie author who is dedicated to passing my experience in the writing and publishing business to others.

Kayla Hicks
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2022


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People know me on Medium for my advice and experience in writing and publishing or as an author of my books.

And just like so many other people, I have a story of how I got to where I am today.

As a kid, I had a rough upbringing, having a divided family and moving to 10 different schools in the process. All of this commotion was tough as a kid, and reading books was one of the best ways for me to feel at home. A safe place, if you will.

With each book that I read, my interest in wanting to create my own grew.

I started writing stories in notebooks and even found a story creator on my Windows 99. But, I was told repeatedly that my writing needed work. Numerous teachers in school claimed my tenses were wrong and my storylines needed work until one high school teacher saw my potential.

And, that teacher read my whole first book and told me it had potential too.

This was the stepping stone that pushed me to write my first real book. A book that took me four years to write, but nonetheless came to be through the route of self-publishing. It had finally happened.



Kayla Hicks
About Me Stories

A published author on Amazon| Multi-Genre Author| Teaching about writing and publishing| https://linktr.ee/authorkaylahicks