About Me — Kayla Vokolek

Writer, sister, traveler…still figuring out what else.

Kayla Vokolek
About Me Stories


Me in Bergen, Norway in 2019.

Introducing Myself

Reading others’ “about me” posts made me question how much I have to share about myself. Especially now, feeling isolated and aimless while basically unemployed and living at home again during a pandemic. However, I think for a shy 22-year-old I’ve experienced a fair bit so far.

I’ve lived in or near Los Angeles, Munich, San Francisco, and Berlin, although my closest emotional ties are to L.A. — was born in Santa Monica, spent most of my childhood somewhere in L.A. County, and moved back here after graduating from the University of San Francisco last December.

Moving to Bavaria as an eight-year-old shaped me more than perhaps any other event. In good ways for the most part: lifelong interest in traveling and living abroad, adaptability. I think I did become more accustomed to the role of the “outsider” through my moves both to and from Germany, but perhaps that’s a good thing too in some ways.

Some fun facts about me at the risk of sounding like a dating profile: I can name every country, I had two guinea pigs named Perry and Doofenshmirtz after the Phineas and Ferb duo, Jeff Goldblum called me beautiful, and I love tattoos.

My Writing

