About Me — Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe

Man thrives by the principles he holds dearly in his heart

Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
About Me Stories


Courtesy of the Author

Hi Y’all.

My name is Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe, and I am originally from Rwanda (The Land of a Thousand Hills) but spent most of my childhood in the US. I moved here when I was thirteen in pursuit of better life opportunities.

I come from a humble and modest family — I am a son to two wonderful caring parents who sacrificed a whole lot to ensure that I become equipped with the best knowledge to navigate the pressures of life’s subtleties.

Growing up in a diverse community of people from all walks of life truly instilled in me, at a young age, the value of this gift of life. We grew up around caring elders in a community that went out of its way to inspire its youth to be kind and courteous human beings who strove to shed a positive light in the world.

What do I do?

I am a nurse by certification, and I am a writer and adventurer by passion. I enjoy making music and listening to uplifting songs — as well as hiking and exploring nature’s bountiful magnificence. In my spare time, I like going for long introspective runs, playing soccer, writing, or reading books.



Kevin Jahleel Ishimwe
About Me Stories

Faith & Life Ambassador, Quadrilingual, Visionary, Writer, Adventurer