About Me — Kristy C

A fusion of suburban charm and professional prowess!

Kristy C
About Me Stories
Published in
4 min readSep 19, 2023


Image of me in full party mode. Taken on my phone by unknown friend.

The latest trend on Medium is writing an “all about me” post so readers can get to know the name behind the words. I didn’t want to miss out or disappoint my readers (wink wink), so here I am jumping on the band wagon.

I have always been interested in reading and writing. I remember being starry eyed, fully of naivety but with a heap of passion and submitting my poetry at 12 years of age to publishers. Shockingly, nothing was accepted!

It didn't dampen my spirits and I took English lit and creative writing at University and learnt watching, rather than reading the classics like Wuthering Heights and Emma saved me a heap of time whilst still getting a credit average. While I enjoy reading, I was 18 and liked the Bar on the Hill better. No judgement please.

I then jumped on the EQ (Emotional Intelligence) bandwagon before every HR company joined the cause, wrote a thesis, and banged out a few published articles. At the time I was advised there was no career in EQ and it would be a fad….. Ah I think that was very bad advice.

….. Insert big gap of no writing for pleasure …..

Let’s just say a career, kid, husband and life sucked all my creative time. The good news is I…

