About Me — Kunaal

The 3 Words That shaped Me.

Kunaal Wrote It
About Me Stories
4 min readDec 13, 2022


A self-portrait photograph of the author, a graphic designer.
A self-portrait photograph of the author.

Before I get into the post.

For context, I took the above image right after shooting a video and forgot to make a thumbnail. Trust me when I say, I am no good at taking selfies or shooting videos, but I do enjoy the process even though I suck.

So this is my first post on Medium, and I’m not really sure how to start. Perhaps the best way to do this would be to describe myself with words that I strongly believe in.

Authenticity, honesty, & humility

When I think about the significant events in my life, these three words pop into my mind very strongly.

With that said, I’ll start by answering a few questions, and then it’ll be my turn to ask you a few questions (nothing too daunting or deep, don’t worry).

What Do I Want To Experience?

This is a broad question. In a nutshell,

I’d love to say, success.

Why? Because a lot of my family members think it’s impossible to make it as a content creator online, in a financial sense. Success would mean proving them wrong and showing them it’s possible.

This would open so many doors for them, and break their linear ways of thinking.

I know it’s going to take tonnes of hard work. However, it is the vision that keeps me going. Along with the encouragement that I need from my fellow creators.

Just as my grandfather normally used to say:

Rome wasn’t built in a day.

As long as we’re focused on the process and vision, the journey becomes an uplifting learning experience.

Another experience I’d like to have is, love.

As independent as I am, there is no denying that love is an incredibly powerful force that unites. I always go by a quote that I saw somewhere. It read,

If you want to travel fast, walk alone.

But, if you want to travel far, you must walk together.

We’re very powerful on our own, but together, we’re invincible. Sharing life with someone is something I’d never want to die without experiencing.

How Do I Want To Grow?

In my perspective, growth is a long process that takes patience, persistence, and clarity on exactly which direction we would like to grow in.

I like to grow in a way that evolves me as a person, mentally, emotionally, and intellectually.

Expanding the horizons of my learning is what I define as growth.

I mainly love to learn about making money online with my passions and skills. I can assure you that if I learn or experience anything, I’ll share it with you.

There’s nothing better than a world where people grow together and inspire each other.

What Do I Want To Contribute?

Fundamentally, to support fellow creators of all sizes. This is what it really comes down to for me.

But first, let me explain in more detail how I’d like to contribute to the lives of Medium readers.

  • Helping out fellow designers by sharing thoughts, ideas, and experiences.
  • Simple/actionable design tips and tricks for creators on Medium. Doing my best to help you take your content further.
  • Promoting positivity and encouraging creators to keep going despite the struggles.

That’s it; I’m not going to make grand promises or do things that aren’t realistic or beyond my abilities.

Design is something that I feel like I can really help people with. It’s the only thing that I know well enough to help people with.

Now, My Questions For You.

I’d like to ask you what you need from me and how I can be of value to you.

I just feel that it’s wrong for me to assume what Mediumers want from me.

Why not just ask you directly? So here I go.

  • What would you like my content to do for you?
  • What are your biggest problems or obstacles?
  • How can I write in a way that is useful for you?
  • I’d love to design free resources for you to make things a little easier; do you have any ideas?

Those are all the questions that I could think of. I just need clarity on how I can be of value and genuinely help out here on Medium.


So this is it, that is me in a nutshell. I generally don’t like talking about myself, but I thought it would be useful for you to at least get to know me.

The purpose of this post is, for you to get to know the man behind the words.

Also, I’d love some feedback on my writing and format. I’m always looking to evolve.

I can’t wait to write my next posts; here are a few ideas that I have:

  • My struggles with freelancing and how to truly succeed
  • Is Fiverr / Upwork worth it for beginners, Alternatives to consider
  • How LGBTQ interfered with a client meeting, why virtual was better.

Those are just some ideas or food for thought, your ideas would also help a ton.

That’s all for now, and I’ll see you in my next post.

See you for now.



Kunaal Wrote It
About Me Stories

I write about side hustles, mindset, online businesses and empowerment, i hope to inspire the world one word, one pixel at a time.