About Me — Lani Domaloy

Exploring My Purpose. A Personal Insight.

Lani Domaloy
About Me Stories


Photo by the author

I’m a Filipino-Canadian writer, poet, photographer, and digital creator, currently living on Vancouver Island in Canada. I didn’t formally study creative writing, nor do I possess a fancy writing degree. Yet, somehow, I’ve found my place in the blogger space.

My canvas is life itself, and I use words to paint its vibrant mosaic. I spill my thoughts on life, drawing inspiration from the great outdoors, the breathtaking beauty of nature, the thrill of exploring distant lands, and the enchanting world of the arts. When surrounded by nature, words flow naturally, allowing me to craft moments into stories.

At the core of my work is a personal journey — stories that are uniquely mine. I often delve into themes of self-development, spirituality, the intricate dance of love, travel, culture, and the complexities of human relationships.

My writing serves as an intimate window into my experiences, offering a reflection of my journey through life’s complex network. Through my stories, I aim to bridge the gap of shared human experiences, inviting you to explore the rich tapestry of these universal themes.

Photo from Canva Pro

If you find value in my work, I’d be truly grateful if you’d consider supporting me with a cup of coffee. Your generosity is deeply appreciated.

Thank you for being here. For more of my work, you can visit my home on Medium and don’t miss my next article when it comes out.

Lani ❤️



Lani Domaloy
About Me Stories

Storyteller | Truth Seeker | Lover of Life | Co-Creator of things digital and literary. IG: @dimpledjourney