About Me — Letícia

Just a Portuguese who’s also a hummingbird…

About Me Stories
4 min readOct 6, 2022


A colorful Hummingbird flying
Photo of a Hummingbird by pixels

I should starts by introducing myself using my name and where I’m from, but I rather present myself as a Hummingbird, it might sound odd but I assure you there’s a point to it.

Hummingbirds are very tiny animals and very quick, being able to beat their wing up to 80 times per second, you would think their symbolism is fragile and delicate but rather than that they are the image of resilience and resistance, their unique flying abilities show an amazing skill — Adaptation!

To even start to, well show me, I have to show this particular bird cause that’s me, I’m a strong-headed person who’s just a little too stubborn sometimes but on top of that, I adapt, overcome and keep going.

“Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it.” — By Helen Keller, author, lecturer, and political activist.

This quote couldn’t explain better how I’ve been leading my life, and a little curiosity Hellen Keller was the first deaf and blind person to get a bachelor’s degree, now that’s resilience in person.

But if we’re talking about me, I gotta tell you more than a bird a quote and how I embodied it, so here are some things about me:

Where am I from?

  • I come from a small place that people love to confuse with Spain but at the same time they know Cristiano Ronaldo is from there — Portugal! I grew up not in the big city of Lisbon, not even close to the famous beaches of the Algarve but in a village cause honestly, that’s Portugal for you, small villages, a lot of elders and village parties or “Festas da terrinha” how we call them.

What do I do for a living?

  • So I’m a university student/ worker at the moment living far from home with my partner and cat, they both are a hassle to handle but bring lots of love and joy to our house.


  • Well the cliché, I enjoy playing Nintendo games with my partner, especially pokemon ones since he’s obsessed with them, and writing for the most part, in my diary that yes I still have, but slowly bringing that to medium (the writing not the diary).

What are my Medium goals?

  • I discovered medium at one random youtube video and then I just kept searching, my first post was a silly tip on how to save money and now I’m figuring out what are some more interesting topics to talk about. My goal is just to write what comes to my head and entertain the people who read my stories but also connect with them when it’s a serious matter.


  • I have one specific dream, to live in Sweden, maybe something about the cold, the fact that 90% of the population recycles, or that I’m weird connects me to that place and somewhere in the future I wish to live and raise my kids in that country. It’s my happy place without even being there.

My moto?

  • Don’t stop even if it’s hard, be you no matter what, and above all be proud, when I was younger people always said I was a weird kid, it wasn’t far from the truth but it suck to me how I was considered the weird one cause I didn’t fit the standards of what “normal” was or rather didn’t compel in the same activities.
  • I had a very unique way of thinking (and still do) anxiety didn’t help even tho I presented myself as an extrovert kid, I was very much introverted and that brought me a lot of trouble, bullying, and conflict in life, part of the reason why I kept myself in books and imaginary worlds until I learned to live without fear.

Peace of advice?

  • Do what I do in your preferable way, throw a big F to the world and those who doubt you as a person, I don’t have to prove myself to anyone nor have you.
  • Live as you want, do as you want, and be who you want.

We get to the conclusion

The end of knowing me without even saying my name once…Hi, my name is Letícia I suffer from both anxiety and irritable bowel syndrome (which I will eventually talk about). Nice to meet you, the community, the reader, and the editors.

So I wish you the reader, got to know me, someone who’s behind a screen just a little better than before, hope the hummingbird didn’t scare you away in the first paragraph.

(If not please name an animal that resonates with you in the comments).

Thank you for getting this far in my “small” introduction and well let’s not be scared to know this medium community a little better.



About Me Stories

Just someone living in this enormous universe full of experiences yet to come.