Writer Lone Brinkmann at Ingolf’s Coffee Bar, Copenhagen, Denmark
Photo by Thomas Hommelgaard

About Me — Lone Brinkmann

One of my professors once said: “You can read fiction as philosophy, and philosophy as fiction.”

Lone Brinkmann ✒️📖📚🦋
Published in
3 min readDec 15, 2020


Each of my mornings typically begins with an outdoor walk and reading fiction or philosophy. As a child of nature, with my philosophical heart and creative academic mind, I have always been drawn to Kierkegaard’s existential philosophy and its current-day applications through new media.

Springtime at a lake in the forest.
Photo by author: Langesø Lake

Publishing my first textbook in 2016 titled “#Kirkegaard and Performative Narratology on Social Media,” I developed a unique how-to approach regarding Kirkegaard’s theories with respect to today’s technology. Following this publication, I developed online material for teaching platforms used in Danish high schools.

Much of my academic work compares personal storytelling in the past versus the often self-promoting digital narratives created through social media today, highlighting the consequences of ‘digital footprints.’ Each individual ‘footprint’ consists of the culmination of likes, comments, posts, and retweets (etc.) that are tied to our names in perpetuity, creating our virtual identities.



Lone Brinkmann ✒️📖📚🦋
About Me Stories

Medium is my playground, and I document and share my personal and professional journeys with fiction and existential philosophy.