About Me — Louise

My journey as a current student which takes me to various places, shaping my experiences and thoughts along the way.

Enna Louise
About Me Stories
6 min readJun 24, 2024


Hi everyone :)

I’m sitting in my room right now, thinking about the best way to start this. It’s not always easy to introduce yourself so that people really understand who you are. There’s just too much behind every person. But I think this is a good place to start to get a first impression of me.

My name is Enna, but I’ve decided to go by my middle name here. Louise. I’ve always found it very beautiful and I like the way it sounds when you say it.

A little about me

I grew up in Germany but have moved twice since then for my dad’s work. It wasn’t always easy being an expat, especially when I was still young, but today I am glad that my parents made these decisions. I have met a lot of people along the way, gained a lot of experience, both positive and negative, and have learned a lot.

At the moment I live in the Netherlands, together with my parents and my younger brother. My older sister lives in Switzerland, she didn’t come with us when we moved again.

At first it was difficult to move again, especially as it was a new language, a new culture and a completely new environment. I went to an international school with my brother at the time. It really bonded him and me, as it was just the two of us at first. It was unusual to have to follow all the lessons in English but I was able to adapt quite quickly. My English got better and better and now I speak it fluently without much of an accent. And by now I understand Dutch completely and can speak it to a certain point.

I was only at this international school for two years and then decided to do something else. I never really liked the normal school system and I always felt totally out of place. It wasn’t an easy time as the whole thing really dragged me down but my loving parents were always there for me and supported me wherever they could.

My Study

In the end, it was their idea to take a different path. During their vacation together in New York, they saw a young woman in their hotel and could imagine me in this scenery extremely well. At first I wasn’t convinced that this was for me, as it was always anything but easy for me to find something I really wanted to do. I never really had any idea where I saw myself in the future and the moving didn’t make it any easier for me. In the end, I just gave it a go and what can I say, I love it!

International hotel management. That’s what I’ve been studying for a year now. My first year is almost over and it feels strange how quickly time flies. Only a year ago I was still unsure whether I would like it at all and now I am almost finished with my first year and I am incredibly happy to have chosen this path.

This experience has shown me that sometimes you just have to take risks. After all, you can’t know how something will turn out without ever having tried it.

Free time

Besides studying, there are many things I like to do. I have always loved writing and my biggest dream to this day is to publish my own book.

I have already written at least four books and am currently working on another one. Besides books, I often write poetry, but mostly I just write down my thoughts. How I feel, about my experiences and stories. It helps me deal with my thoughts and makes me feel less alone with it in a way.

And that’s also what I want to achieve here. Maybe people can identify with what I’ve written. Maybe it’s just interesting to look into the life of a stranger. Or you can just escape your own reality for a little while. It’s nice to share your thoughts with other people, it connects us.

I go for walks a lot and I like being in Amsterdam with friends. It’s a really beautiful city and I really feel at home here. I love walking along the canals in the evening or go for drinks in cute cafés.

I also have pets! Two incredibly cute guinea pigs. My friends thought it was weird that I got guinea pigs, which I can’t understand, they are such cute animals. Their names are Livi and Polly and they are still very young. I love them with all my heart.

On medium

I have already mentioned a little above what I want to achieve here. To connect with other writers, share thoughts, experiences and stories. Probably some poems too, personal stories or general thoughts about anything . Maybe you could call it a kind of a blog, but I don’t want to categorise it too much.

There is no one around me who writes. None of my friends or family members. But they have always liked to read what I write.

Back then, I only ever wrote for myself and didn’t really tell anyone about this hobby. Now I know that it’s nice to share what you write, so I want to start it on this platform.

As a young woman who is on the path of life, I have a lot to tell and many thoughts that I am sure many can relate to and are interesting to read.

A few facts about me!

  • I have a tattoo on my arm with the German phrase “Was soll wird passieren”, which means “What is meant to be will happen”. It’s the lyrics from a song by a German artist. Half a year ago I went to a concert of his with my sister, we had the chance to take a photo with him afterwards and asked him if he could write this sentence down so that we could get it tattooed. And the very next day we had it immortalized under our skin.

Since I’ve had this tattoo, I can deal with certain situations better. Because when I’m worried about what might happen, I just look at my arm and think to myself “What’s meant to be will happen”.
I would say that I am a bit spiritual. I believe that every decision I make ultimately takes me on the right path. And that every negative experience is also part of life.

In the end, you can only learn from everything.

  • I have a big addiction to horror movies. Which is funny, because I’m an easily startled person. But there’s just something about it that I find very entertaining. I’ve seen so many horror movies that I often struggle to find ones I haven’t seen before.
  • I am a huge thinker. My head is always full and there’s always something I’m thinking about. I often imagine things and have quite a lot of imagination. Which helps me when I’m writing things, but sometimes I would just like to turn my mind off. Sometimes I just listen to music and think. I don’t know if that’s normal.
    I had to think a bit about what my last fact should be. I think the things I’ve mentioned here are a bit random, but I just wrote down what came to my mind first, like I usually do.

There are still many things I could tell about myself but this should be a good start.

I hope I was able to give you a first impression of me and made you a little curious.

For now I wish you the best and hope to see you back here soon!



Enna Louise
About Me Stories

My journey as a current student which takes me to various places, shaping my experiences and thoughts along the way