About Me — Lucía GG

About Me Stories
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2022


Hi there! My name is Lucía, and yours? Beautiful name, really nice to meet you

If you’re reading these lines, it’s because, like me, you enjoy reading and, perhaps, writing. Well, it is a pleasure to have you here.

You know, I’ve been thinking about creating a profile on Medium for some time now, but my worst enemy always told me not to. “Who would like to read your thoughts, book reviews, or study tips?”, that’s what she always tells me, but I suppose I managed to shut her up. I’m glad I did.

I’m looking forward to exploring and learning more about myself through writing.

I’ve always loved writing, and it has become my escape room, my safe and happy place. There’s no one between the paper and me and that allows me to express myself. To be me. And who’s that? Well, just a 22-years-old university student, living in Spain, passionate about writing!

What to expect from my writings?

Well, I have nothing planned, I just want to write about the books I read (I love reading, didn’t I tell you?), my thoughts and ideas about life, share the stories I create and some study tips — I’m a student myself, and throughout the years I’ve improved my academic skills, so perhaps those may be useful for you as well.

But, above all, I get so much inspiration from the little moments of life; the bird you didn’t notice tweeting on your window, the mouth-watering smell coming out from a restaurant or the sea.



About Me Stories

Just a girl who loves words and will write about books | life | studies.