About Me — Mamata Chapay

Mamata chapay
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readMay 29, 2024
Photo by author (celebrating one of the biggest festivals of Nepal- Dashain)

Introducing myself used to make me anxious all the time. “ What do I say?” “Who am I ? Do I even know myself ?” “ With the apprehensive feeling, I used to google ‘How to introduce yourself’ ten minutes prior to meeting with someone new.” The answers used to go like Name, age, profession, and achievement………. my gaze was glued and my brain froze. Achievement is the word that stings me like a needle. I am an ordinary girl with not-so-big dreams. I always feared having nothing special or unique to add to my introduction. How do I tell the world that, I am a 21 years old girl with no major accomplishments or ambitions? On the contrary, I am here introducing myself to 100 million people. Wait! Let me do it formally,

Greetings, It’s me Mamata Chapay. Yes, I am still the same 21 years old girl with not so big dream. My upbringing took place in a small yet enchanting country in South Asia- Nepal. A country with the majestic Himalayas, and a diverse cultural heritage. I completed my schooling at one of the well-known schools in my city. Soon after graduating, I migrated to Canada for further education. It’s been almost 2 years in this big city, different people, different stories. Everything felt so big and complex at the very beginning of my stay in Toronto. Even so, I loved it here. More than the city I loved my liberty which my soul craved for years.

As far as I remember I was the “quiet” kid growing up. No, not really by choice, but rather because I often felt unwelcome in a group of people. I have lived my entire life with atelophobia. I always found it difficult to make friends and mainly, struggled to maintain friendships. As I said earlier there is nothing extraordinary or unique about me however over the years I realized my failures, my not-so-big dreams,… etc. make me who I am today, and make me unique and extraordinary just like others. I began to hug my trauma, voices in my head, failed relationships, and especially myself. I opted to love myself more and differently each day and that’s a significant milestone for the girl who was her own worst enemy.

Writing always been my one and only coping mechanism over the years. I found it easier to tell my diary rather than any individual. Over the years I grew up loving writing. It became my way of communicating with myself and the rest of the world. Thus, I am here. I am undecided about the specific topic I am gonna write about, but I am certain I want to explore the subject that interests me. You can find me writing about women, love, mental health, self-discovery, books, and overall life. I am thrilled to be on this journey to learn and share.

