About Me — Marcos J

Accounter, Husband, Father, and Son, trying to make a living in this complicated and beautiful world.

About Me Stories
3 min readMar 14, 2024


Accounter, Dreamer, Husband, Father, and Son, trying to make a living in this complicated and beautiful world.

¡Hi Everyone!

I’m Marcos and I am thrilled to introduce myself to the Medium Community.

Photo by Aboodi Vesakaran: https://www.pexels.com/photo/the-flag-of-venezuela-on-a-flag-pole-13966906/

I’m from Venezuela and living in it right now; I don’t have a very complex story but none the less an easy one to talk about, at his point in my life in 2024 I’m fortunate to have what I have right now. I have a Wife, a Child, and a Roof to live where we are in good health.

So, what is missing?

Being in a country like Venezuela where everything is so convoluted has made me shift my professional environment because of complex and personal situations, and in prior thinking, I realize that I have so much to say in many of my interests, whether it is gaming, technology, business in general, politics, Parenting, and food. although, I’ll try to stay on one or two topics in particular and won’t be limited to one thing to say. My overall thinking is you are healthier when you are not burnt out by a single conversation.

Right now, I still have a business dough at this point is basically broke, and I’m hopeful that I can do something about it, but when something breaks is time to fix it or leave it, I do genuinely think that this platform has been Medium could be made me achieved a new way to look after.

But in the parallelism of life, I do have an amazing family, my wife has been very supportive over the years, more than I think she should but she is the kindest person that I have ever met and she has given me so much over the years that I am just amazed by her.

Me & My Son

Then is the joy of our relationship, our son, he’s four and he is everything and more than I couldn’t imagine, is a copy of me in every shape and form with his own twist, and I just want for him to be happier and better than me. But as with everything in life, he will make his own decisions when the times come and I just hope to be there and be his guidance in this messy world.

You may ask where my English comes from, I studied in Vancouver in 2011 at the International Language Academy of Canada (ILAC), and have been since then an English listener of every show, program, or product that maintains my English grammar and vocabulary in check, that doesn’t mean that my English proficiency is perfect but I do what I can with what I have.

As I said, I have a very broad set of interests to write about on Medium. I hope you the reader may have a good time with my articles.

I’ll be updating this article in the future with a ton of experiences.

Hope to see you around!

