About Me — Maria Hayes

Just a Gemini with an old soul, severe wanderlust, and a lofty list of dreams.

Maria Hayes
About Me Stories


Photo of Author, Maria Hayes

My head is in the clouds 90% of the time. If you see me and I look like I’m concentrating, it’s most likely because I’m frolicking in another world in my mind.

Yes, I frolic. 😆

I am what some would say, a normal Midwestern Gal. I say ‘Ope’ and drink ‘pop’ (not really, I mostly drink tea), but you get the idea. I’m from a small, rural town in southern Michigan ✋. In real life, I would point to my hand to show you exactly where (fellow Michiganders will understand this).

I’ve somehow quieted my voice to become more palatable for others over the years and I’m working hard to overcome this habit and erase it from my personality. Writing certainly helps.

You see, I’ve never quite felt like I fit in anywhere. The happiest I’ve ever been was while I was traveling alone in foreign countries, where no one knew me. I did this for 3 consecutive months when I was 33 years old and it remains one of my favorite memories from my entire life.

Starting Over

Sometimes I feel like my life didn’t truly begin until I was 29 years old. I finally left a 6-year relationship riddled with emotional abuse, gaslighting, and soul-sucking…



Maria Hayes
About Me Stories

Writing my way through sobriety, travels, and all that life throws at me.