About Me — Matteo Licata

“Dreams are what makes a man alive. Destiny rests largely in our own hands, provided that we know what we want and are decided to have it”

Matteo Licata
About Me Stories


Matteo Licata
Picture of the Author, provided by… The Author!

I wish these words were mine, but they actually are from Enzo Ferrari. A man who knew a thing or two about dreams, and definitely one that lived life on his own terms.

The way I like it.

I’ve been obsessed with cars since I can remember and started drawing them almost as soon as I could hold a pencil in my hand. I remember spending my school years incessantly drawing cars and telling my incredulous classmates I’d be a car designer someday!

I grew up in Turin, Italy, between the 1980s and 90s. At the time, Turin still was the mecca of automobile design, so I became aware very early on that such a job actually existed.
But, most importantly, I never doubted that I would achieve it, even if I didn’t know precisely how.

Knowing how much I loved cars, my mum started buying me magazines even before I was able to read them… With the result that one of the first words I’ve uttered (I’m not making this up, Mum remembers that well!) was… “Volvo.” Don’t ask…



Matteo Licata
About Me Stories

I’ve been obsessed with cars for as long as I remember and, after working in automobile design for a decade, now I’m a lecturer, a published author, a YouTuber