About Me — Miroslava Barrera

I sit here, vulnerable, painting you a picture of my life.

Miroslava Barrera
About Me Stories
5 min readOct 11, 2023


I was born in Mexico.

The beautiful city of Guadalajara will forever hold a chunk of my heart (and identity).

I grew up a very shy kid.

Nervous to say “hello” to my distant family members.

Anxious to raise my hand in class when I knew the right answer.

But that didn’t keep me from having a wonderful childhood.

In fact, experiencing childhood in Mexico is one of the most valuable gifts I possess.

The rich culture, my massive family, and the mouth-watering food filled my early life with colors I couldn’t have gotten anywhere else.

But life is all about phases.

On August 20th, 2014, that phase of my life came to an end.

The States

That day, the canvas that was my life completely changed.

Seventh grade started about six days after the move.

I knew basic English since I went to a private school in Mexico that required it.

That means that I was comfortable saying things like,

“Open the window” or “May I go to the bathroom?”

I was not fluent whatsoever, and I was VERY insecure.

What’s the worst thing that can happen to a shy kid?

Having to adapt to a different country and language.

What’s the best thing that can happen to a shy kid?

Having to adapt to a different country and language.

It’s all about perspective.

It took me a very long time to view this transition as a strength.

For a long time, it felt like a weakness.

It didn’t help that when I moved, being Mexican wasn’t viewed as “cool.”

(I’m speaking from personal experience).

A lot of people viewed me for who I was.

But a lot of people viewed me as “less” because of who I was.

And that definitely impacted the colors of my painting.

A lot more gray tones.

Finding My Voice

When High School came around, I decided I was tired of being the shy kid in the back.

I was a lot more comfortable with my English and with who I was, so I joined as many clubs as I could.

I became more involved in my school, seeking more validation.

Soon after, I got my first job as a hostess and eventually moved up to serving.

That’s when I found my voice.

I went from being a quiet kid to a young lady who talked to strangers four nights out of the week.

And people liked me!

This was the first time I was comfortable being my true self, and I was making money from it.

This experience gave me a lot of power and self-confidence.

I would not be here if my mom hadn’t gotten me that job.

I’m eternally grateful to her.

Changing Techniques

I always wanted to be a nurse.

For some reason, it always felt like my only choice.

Maybe because I always said there were three things I wanted to do with my life:

  • Travel
  • Help others
  • Make decent money

The only option?

Travel nursing, duh.


After getting a glimpse into the medical field, I accepted it wasn’t for me.

This led to a very confusing phase of my life.

My colors were wrong all along.

All these years, I had been holding the wrong palette.

I was lost.

So, I scratched everything and started from zero.

I researched different tools and techniques.

I experimented with many different paints.

And a lot of failed attempts later, I found my calling.


My First Draft

At my High School, it was mandatory to write senior essays.

I decided to write mine on human connection and the importance of taking advantage of whatever situation we’re in.

I used my job as an example.

Being a server meant that I had the opportunity to connect with every table I waited on.

Whether I did or not was completely up to me.

Now that I was confident enough to interact with others, I didn’t want to take it for granted.

Except I did.

Until that day.

The day I had a headache and didn’t wanna work.

The day I almost gave a lovely couple mediocre service.

But most importantly, the day I chose to get my head out of my ass and start a conversation with them.

It turned out to be a meaningful conversation that shifted my perspective on life.

An impactful decision that turned into a memorable experience, but also an award-winning senior essay.

I was the only student whose first language wasn’t English, and my essay was the only perfect score that year.

I was extremely proud.

My teacher helped me submit it to a literary arts competition and said, “Miros, I think you should really consider a career in writing.”

Four years later, I’m doing exactly that.

My Current Project

Now that I’ve explored many styles and techniques, I’m devoting myself to the art of copywriting.

I’m in the final steps of starting my freelance business.

And as much as I love crafting persuasive pieces to help holistic companies thrive, I’m still passionate about my own creative writing.

Hence why I Medium.

This platform allows me to share my unique thoughts and experiences with like-minded souls like you.

Because I believe we’re all connected.

We all contribute to the beautiful work of art that is humanity.

And my goal is to connect with as many humans as possible.

I strive to experience as many colors as I can, so they can shine on my canvas for what they are.

My current project is to experience life in any way I can.

I do this by practicing mindfulness, petting dogs, and asking my barista how their day is going.

My future has never felt more unknown, and that’s a beautiful thing.

It’s the perfect way to remain present and aware of where my feet are RIGHT NOW.

I’m still finding my voice.

I’m still overcoming social anxiety and personal insecurities.

Because those colors aren’t the real me.

Because you and I are much more than our anxious thoughts.

And my forever art project is to remind myself and others of the wonderful opportunities we have within us, every single day.

And that’s why I’m here.


I’m Miros.

I’m a self-development copywriter.

I also write about personal growth, holistic lifestyle, and random little things that fascinate me.

I love nature and eating hummus.

If you made it this far, please leave a comment with a fun fact about yourself.

I’d love to connect with you.

Feel free to reach out on Instagram, I like making friends. @mirosbarr

Also, here are some of my recent posts if you’re interested.

Thank you Quy Ma for creating this safe space where we can connect by sharing our stories.

And thank you for reading mine.

Espero tengas un día mágico.



Miroslava Barrera
About Me Stories

I’m a self-development copywriter that likes to write about whatever is on my mind. Welcome to my brain.