About Me — Missy Crystal

Jumping on the bio bandwagon to share a bit about myself

About Me Stories


Yes, that’s me. Image credit: Myself

Hello, and thanks for stopping by! I’m Missy, as you may have guessed by the title. I’ve spent the last couple years writing for Medium, but I’ve been a published writer since 2002. Gosh, I’m aging myself.

My first piece was published in Teen Ink when I was a pregnant teen. I entered the What Matters essay contest with a piece about getting my GED and turning my life around. Much to my surprise, I won $100 along with some other goodies from the company. It’s been a long time, but I still remember the excitement of receiving the notepad, magazine, and pen in the mail. I also received a Teen Ink book with an invitation to publish my story in a future book, but I declined.

Okay, I lied. I actually lost the contract and forgot about it until my daughter was a toddler. Life gets crazy when you’re a parent, and having ADHD doesn’t help. I did, however, find time to get another piece published in Teen Ink, though I wasn’t paid for it. I wrote a haiku about the weather, and it was featured a few months after my essay:

The grass sways in time

To the melodies that play

Inside of your head



About Me Stories

Working through my trauma one story at a time. Thanks for joining me on my journey.