About Me — Naomi Hudiyah

A Little Big Dreamer

Naomi Hudiyah
About Me Stories
2 min readJun 30, 2024


3 Year Old Me being the little star she was born to be.

Introducing myself has always been such an awkward thing to do. Probably given the fact that I grew up an extremely shy kid and putting the spotlight on me always elicited a fright or flight reaction from me.

However, I’m 22 now and there’s been significant growth since then. Also, I’m currently shielded by the partial anonymity of the internet (hopefully). So, I’ll keep it simple.

Hello, I’m Naomi. I’d prefer you call me that but I don’t mind Hudiyah — it’s a stylized and preferred version of a middle name.

I was born in the Eastern part of Nigeria, Africa — 16 years after the child my parents thought was their last. My childhood was interesting, I assure you.

As a child, young and old teen, I’ve had fleeting career choices — a teacher, a ballerina, an author, a gymnast, a lawyer, an actress, Barbie princess and popstar!

And one day, I’d love to be a Game Developer.

For now, I just want to be and live out my dreams gradually, with no rush.

I’m a two times English Literature student, one time Music student, partial time tech student (UI/UX) and a mosaic of all the things and people I love.

I love languages and I’m currently self-studying Korean and Swedish, with Mandarin and German underway.

My writing here on Medium will be a mix of everything I learn or observe in the little moments of my life.

Things like reviews of pieces of media I love, personal experience from trying out productivity tips or my observations in my journey to be financially literate.

It’s going to contain all the non-fiction aspects of my writing.

I will be putting out fiction on my Substack, if you’re interested in that!

I’m excited to have you here and even more so if you decide to stick around!

Also, if you love The Epic Musical, CW’s Supernatural, The Harry Potter Franchise or Howl’s Moving Castle — I feel we would be great friends!

Welcome to my little cozy cove~ ♡

