About Me — Nathan Vine

Freelancing, Content Creating, Caffeine Craving, Human.

Nathan Vine
About Me Stories
3 min readApr 17, 2022


Photo by Max Bender on Unsplash

Hi everyone,

I’m Nathan Vine and I’m pleased to meet you. However, I should begin by telling you all something: Nathan Vine isn’t my real name. It’s a pseudonym that I’ve chosen to use on Medium in order to remain anonymous and “protect my true identity.”

The J.O.B.

My job is Content Creation. I write freelance for clients. I love the job because it’s flexible and allows me free time during the day when the jobs are complete and the laptop is closed.

My main topic of writing for clients is computer games, but that’s not what I plan to write about on Medium. Contrary to what visual stereotypes might lend you, just because I’ve used an anime character as my profile photo doesn’t mean I’m a computer game nerd who sits in his basement all day looking to scale up my points. I don’t particularly enjoy playing computer games, but I love writing about them. It seems to keep the client happy and it’s what brings me in my money.

What I Do For Fun

I usually finish off my work by the early afternoon. I generally spend the rest of my day having fun. That’s what I believe Content Creation is about: I love my job, but I enjoy my free time more.

For fun I like to:

  • Hit up the awesome food joint nearby for blueberry, ice cream topped pancakes with my friend
  • Take my dog for walks in the park (we’ll call him “Snoop Dogg” here to protect his identity too, haha!)
  • Watch movies (comedy, action, and thrillers are usually where I land)
  • Attend live concerts
  • Watch sports
  • Drink coffee (I’m a five cups a day type of person. What can I say? I’m a Content Creator — it’s the nature of the job!)

What Brought Me To Medium?

I’m not coming to Medium for the money. I’m here to have fun, read, make friends, and laugh. As the Joker himself would say, “Why so serious?”

I don’t need the money. I get enough from freelancing to do me. I’m a Professional Writer. So what I plan to do is share some valuable content and if it makes me a little more, then who should I be to complain?

Topics I’ll Be Writing About

As I already mentioned, I’m not a big gamer even though writing about it is how I make a living. I don’t plan to write about computer games here. Instead, you’ll find me writing about everything and anything:

Freelancing, writing, side hustling… food, life, fun… psychedelics, spirituality, mentality…

You name it, I might just write about it. I don’t believe in niches. I believe in “niche-less.” While you could say the topics above can be categorized into niches, I don’t stick to one — I write about it all.

I believe that creativity is the path to success with Content Creation. So get creative, come with me, and let’s become incredibly “niche-less” together.

I hope to speak with you soon,

Nathan Vine



Nathan Vine
About Me Stories

Freelancing, Content Creating, Caffeine Craving, Human.