About Me — Nick Marmolejo

Don’t Panic. Affirm, celebrate, and support.

Rice & Beans
About Me Stories


My son and I visiting Vancouver (Pre-Covid)

I am a father, writer, marathoner, and teacher. Each title uniquely describes my experiences, and I especially enjoy looking for patterns between these roles. I believe these moments open a window where people can be brought together.

My son nearly died at birth. I realized that everything I did from that point forward would start and end with him in mind. So, thank you for reading about our wonderful way of life.

Where I Come From

Rather than describe my background in a typical fashion, I will gladly share by stating, “ I am from…” statements. I hope you’re able to relate with one or more of these:

  • I am from Lubbock, Texas. Home to Buddy Holly and the largest cotton producers in the world.
  • I am from being raised by a single mother and three older sisters. Our house was loud, and I’m proud of it.
  • I am from very few childhood pictures.
  • I am from a family that eats tamales on Christmas.
  • I am from a house most vulnerable, not to strangers, but to my uncle, who broke in and stole from us.
  • I am from winning Teacher of the Year (shameless plug) at my school in a previous school district.



Rice & Beans
About Me Stories

I’m a Father, Marathon Runner, Teacher & Parenting Consultant. My goal is to affirm, celebrate, and elevate Latino parents of the past/present/future.