About Me — Nikkole Writes

Nikkole Writes
About Me Stories
Published in
5 min readMay 12, 2021

The girl who won’t leave her hair alone

Hey you. :) Thanks for checking out my About Me story. I wouldn’t say I’m necessarily normal, but I’m a lot like other people in the world. I’ve been through a messed-up childhood, and am just trying to work out adulthood like everyone else.

Where I’m From

My name is Nikkole, I go by Nikkole Writes.

I’m from a city of about 30,000 people in the middle of Illinois. Let’s just say I’m 2.5 hours south of Chicago. Okay, fine. I live in Bloomington, IL. The sister city of Normal, IL. Yes, my neighboring town is “Normal”, but I’ve found the people who reside there aren’t any more “normal” than I am.

I was born in a smaller town south of Bloomington called Lincoln. It’s now known for being home to Cresco Labs, the cannabis harvesting facility.

I’ve lived in Bloomington since I was around five years old. Bloomington-Normal, or BloNo as it’s commonly called, is home to State Farm Insurance. Funny enough, I’ve never had my insurance through State Farm.

Family Life

I’ve been married since I was 21, to my best friend. My husband and I have your typical “high school sweetheart” story. We met freshman year, became best friends, I wouldn’t date him then because I was dating someone else, even though I probably should’ve been dating HIM all along.

We stayed friends. We started “dating” (hanging out) our junior year, it didn’t feel right as we were best friends. I didn’t want to mess up our friendship. So I broke up with him.

The summer before our senior year, he asked me out again. We were sitting at a picnic table at a park with two of our friends and they dared us to kiss. So we kissed and it felt like fireworks. In a daze, I asked if this meant we were dating again. He said, “I think so.” That was it, we have been together ever since.

We got married after his 21st birthday in August 2012. We had a private Wiccan Handfasting Ceremony. We were married by one of my High Priests from my coven.

Marriage has been interesting. Like all marriages, we have our ups and downs. We just try to stay focused on the ups.

Together we have four ferrets, our babies Reamus and Dora, and our adopted babies Remy and Emile. All named after film characters. Reamus and Nympha(Dora) are from the Harry Potter series. Remy and Emile, their adopted names, are from the Pixar film Ratatouille.

Our previous four ferrets were Lucius (Mr. Lu), Bellatrix (Bella), Draco, & Sirius. We’re big Harry Potter nerds. :)

We also have our dog, a 140 pound Presa Canario named Lucky. She’s my pride and joy. She’s a spoiled rotten pooper that might as well be my child. She gets separation anxiety when I’m gone. At least I think she does.

What I Do For a Living

I’m a bit of a job hopper, I’ll admit it. Currently, I work as a Customer Service Representative at a call center and I’ve been working from home since the beginning of this year.

I’ve had various office jobs and even worked at a hair salon for a bit. That was the first job I got fired from.

I previously worked in the office of a Nursery/Florist. Before that, I took care of my elderly Mother-in-Law for two years.

I’ve had a few different jobs, but I’ve always wanted to pursue a career in writing. That’s why I’m on Medium. To get my portfolio going, get into a habit of writing, network, and grow as a writer. My main goals here on Medium are to start my own Publication and to get at least one article to go viral (if it were only that easy).

What I Do When I’m Not Writing

I have dabbled in a bit of everything. I crochet here and there. I’ve had pen pals for a couple of years. I love taking personal portrait-type photos of people with my iPhone.

I play with pastels, painting, and drawing here and there. I love making candles and homemade bath salts.

I see a therapist about 2–3 times a month and I absolutely adore her. I spend a lot of time riding around in my sister’s car with her. I love being around family and hanging out with them.

Ever since I started working from home, I’ve become a homebody. I really don’t go anywhere but maybe once or twice a week, it’s kinda sad.

I spend a lot of time with my husband, who spends a lot of time on his video games. We like to watch horror movies together and order pizza.

I LOVE drinking tea! My absolute favorite is a good Earl Grey or any black tea, really. With a splash of milk and a little bit of sugar, the day will be golden for me.

What I Write About

Again, I’m dabbling in a bit of everything. I’ve written pieces on animals, mental health, and even cannabis. I’m currently working on some more pieces about Ferrets and my favorite TV Show. My articles are rather personal. I try not to be too opinionated, but I come from a very “I’m right, you’re wrong” type of family. In the future, I hope to get some articles written regarding spirituality (most likely about Wicca and Witchcraft), more mental health pieces, and alternative wellness.

I’m a very caring person. I may seem stand-offish if you meet me on the street. Once you get to know me, I’m pretty hilarious, saying anything stupid just to get a laugh in.

I do suffer from Bi-Polar Disorder so I have ups and downs with my moods. I’m heavily medicated, but it doesn’t mean it works all the time.

Most days you can find me pacing around the house, belting out songs as loud as possible, taking naps with my dog, or writing on my laptop.

In the words of the Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland, “we’re all mad here.”. :)

Hope to see you ‘round. I’ll try not to change my profile picture as much as I change my hair.



Nikkole Writes
About Me Stories

Est. 1991 | Mental Health Advocate | Animal Lover | Spirituality | Freelance Content Writer from ILLINOIS — visit nikkolewrites.com