About Me — Quy Ma

Retail & Marketplace Expert | Child of Refugees | Passionate About Empowering Entrepreneurs & Businesses to Thrive in the Digital Economy

Quy Ma
About Me Stories


Carlsbad, California — Picture Provided by Author

Hi there!

I’m Quy! It’s pronounced “kwee” and I’m very humbled to introduce myself to you.

I also go by “Sesame” in the gaming community, having been a longtime online competitive gamer. My personal story is deeply rooted in the origins of my parents’ resilient stories as Vietnamese War refugees and how I became the person I am today.

As a first-generation Millennial born in the United States, I’ve walked a middle path of understanding and embracing both my ancestral heritage and the opportunities presented to me in this country. But it definitely took me a long time to understand and embrace both sides and my identity.

My parents are among the few courageous survivors of the boat people exodus. They fled Vietnam after the fall of their homeland, South Vietnam, in the 1980s, their young hearts brimming with determination and fear.

They had no choice. They lost their homes and had to create a new one in a faraway land. Ultimately, they carved out a path to eventual success.



Quy Ma
About Me Stories

Hi! Writer. Child of Refugees. Retail & Marketplace Expert. Writing about business, history, & society. Helping people & businesses thrive in the digital age.