About Me — Rachel Greenberg

Just another day in my dog’s shadow…working hard to afford her extravagant lifestyle. I also work with startups, when she lets me.

Rachel Greenberg
About Me Stories


Picture of me, my dog Esmeralda, and Laguna Beach
All pictures in the above collage are owned and were edited together by the author (me) in Canva. They include me, my dog (with her permission), a Laguna Beach hike, and my fiance’s seaside proposal to me.

If you don’t like dogs, startups, coastlines, and a healthy dose of sarcasm, I may not be your cup of salted almond milk cold foam iced coffee with 9 pumps of sugar-free vanilla syrup, 7 packets of salt, and 2 Splenda (Starbucks baristas, you are the real MVPs).

My life in a pistachio shell:

I was born on the East coast but always identified with the West coast. After more than a couple of decades of seasonal depression, barely surviving the tundra of North Carolina (yes, the South does get cold), I finally got my invitation to embrace the California lifestyle, with my first official job at JP Morgan in San Francisco, working in asset management.

Unfortunately, my early career in finance took me back to the East coast, so a few more years of teeth chatteringly cold winters and heated blankets under my desk would be the reality of my subsequent investment banking career. If you’re going to be sitting at a desk, writing pitch books and building financial models until 2 am anyway, is a little climate discomfort all that much worse?

Direct route to failure…



Rachel Greenberg
About Me Stories

Wall Street Investment Banker → Entrepreneur & Startup Consultant. “Top 10 Entrepreneurs of 2020” Yahoo Finance. CEO of Beta Bowl. Mom of 3 furbabies ❤