About Me — Rakshita Upadhyay

Rakshita Upadhyay
About Me Stories
Published in
6 min readJul 10, 2021
Hey, this is me! Read on to know more!

This is probably the hardest part for any writer- writing about oneself. As I sit here on a Sunday, hoping for the rain to come, I find it rather hard to ‘again’ write about myself. I have done it a hundred times, for social media bios, for job applications, for college stuff, and the list goes on. Guess I have to perfectly balance between not speaking sh*t about myself and trying not to brag too much(there’s nothing to brag about, though!)

So here it goes, I was born on a Saturday, April 3rd. The year was 1999. I am Indian and I hail from a state called Uttarakhand. Since my childhood, I was surrounded by hills and curvy roads, and pine trees all around.

In the picture: my village!

My Grandmother claims that she named me in her dreams and that I used to go to my mother just for milk. Most of the time I was with her and other people, who were so thrilled to welcome the first child of their clan.

As I grew up, I had to leave my native home behind and live with my parents in a totally different city with a different culture. I still remember the heat, the long train rides, the vendors, the station, the humidity, the snakes, the rivers, my friends, and the school straight 700 meters away from my home.

We didn’t travel much. We just moved to different cities and started from scratch. I remember being frustrated just because I had to rebuild my reputation at school, make new friends, give farewell gifts to old friends, and take their numbers hoping to stay friends just the same. (I know I was a fool).

I was a shy student but competitive. I remember in class 3rd I got an A+ in Environmental Science, and I took it as my first sign to never stop scoring great marks. I don’t know why, but I loved telling my parents how much I got after every exam and loved it when they smiled. In a nutshell, my school life was filled with academics and the continuous struggle to make my teachers and parents happy.

So when did the writing bug bit me? As far as I remember, I wrote my first poem back when I was 12 years old. It was more of a Sunday hobby back then. Puberty hit me and I befriended overthinking. Ironically, it fed my ideas and I was able to think more like a writer.

A heartbreak and identity crisis fuelled the fire and I churned my emotions into a poem I am still proud of.

Here are more of my best memories in pictures.

Then college happened. It was my first time away from family. I didn’t know a lot of things, and I didn’t know my limits. After a hiatus, I started again- this time with more seriousness. From writing for myself to writing for other people, I grew up.

Some words by me, I swear I have better words, I couldn't find the pictures…

I made an Instagram page (wrotagonist) that worked well and I am still working on it as it is a big part of my life and gives me confidence.

I first heard of Medium in 2018, when I was in college. But I didn’t know it is more of consistent worship, rather than just writing and expecting it to blow up. Therefore, it took me a long long time to finally get the confidence to write here!

That’s pretty much my journey, but the best part? It doesn’t go downhill or end here.

Oh, did I tell you that I love being sarcastic and I hate growing up? (same pinch)

Want to know more about me?

This is a newsletter I recently started where I will email you some of the closest thoughts I have inside me. Consider subscribing to it (it’s FREE, obviously) and I will make one of your weekdays a little better! (Polarized Thoughts)

Here are some of my best articles on medium-

The Cruelty of Female Genital Mutilation & Beyond: A Poem

Struggling to Read? Start Your Journey With These Books (Thank Me Later)

15 Splendid Lines in Poetry That Will Make Your Day

SILIENCE: The Beauty of Unnoticed Excellence!

Why Are You looking for Friends With Benefits?

I would have ended this article here, but I don’t want to finish without telling my hobbies! The first one is obviously writing. Some other hobbies include-

Listening to songs

I am a big fan of different artists of different genres. My Spotify is open most of the time. Some of my favorite artists are Sia, Hozier, Norah Jones, Pink Floyd, Oasis, Kodaline, Adele, Lorde, John Mayer, The Weeknd, Macklemore, Eminem, and the list goes on.


I recently discovered this hobby. I have spent hours in phone calls or studying while making random things on rough pages. Not gonna lie, it is therapy. I like to experiment with markers, watercolors, acrylic. I haven’t tried oil colors yet (yeah, still in my Amazon bucket).

My first canvas painting!


I haven’t traveled much. Just a few states in India and some French cities. I want to add more to this experience in the near future. (Sugar daddies/glucose guardians are welcome to fund my trips in case I don’t make enough money).

Me, at some chateau near Vendome

Reading books

I’m not a fan of self-help books. I mean they are great but I don’t have that mind yet to grasp things inside them. I like fiction, especially those emotionally wrecking stories that make me cry in the end. If it doesn’t make me cry, I don’t take it as a good investment.

Watching movies

Years ago, I was really picky when it came to series and movies. I have spent months without watching them. But when a good recommendation matches my taste, I like to research it and watch it. This May, I watched a lot of things on Netflix and I kinda regret it because it was too much for me. Some of my favorite movies and series include-

Dark, Cafe de Flore, The Haunting of Hill House, Portrait of a Lady on Fire, Hereditary, The Witch, and more.

Knowing new people

Though I am an introvert, I also like to talk to new people, especially virtually. Once I get comfortable, I actually make good conversation (not bragging, it’s just people who are mad get along well with me).


I am a vegetarian by birth. I love to cook Indian food and some fusion food too (we Indians love to add an Indian touch to every food, be it noodles or gnocchi).


Who doesn’t like sleeping? It’s my all-time medicine. It alleviates the bad mood and I get happier after a sound sleep.

So that’s pretty much about me! There’s a lot to add, this is just the surface (people don’t even bother to look at the surface these days, but who cares?). Anyway, I am blessed if you have come this far, potential friend!

See you again!

