About Me — Robert Barton

Incarcerated for 26 years and out to bring humanity to an inhumane “justice” system.

More Than Our Crimes
About Me Stories


Photo provided by author

Indian activist Arundhati Roy once said:

“There is really no such thing as the voiceless… only the deliberately silenced or the preferably unheard.”

She’s right. People behind bars do have voices. But they are forcibly shut up and told no one wants to hear them. With their names replaced by numbers and stigmatized as criminals, it feels like being relegated to the dregs of humanity for eternity.

I know, because for the last 24 years, six months and 24 days of my life, I have lived among them.

My name is Robert Barton and at the age of 16, I was charged as an adult with first-degree murder and sentenced to 30 years to life.

I was not the actual shooter in this crime, but I was judged to be as guilty as the one who was, due to a provision of the law that treats “aiders and abettors” as equally criminally liable. Was I guilty? Yes. I was a voluntary passenger in the car. No one forced me to be there. Did I have the same malicious intent as my codefendant, the shooter? The answer to that question is more ambiguous. I am not attempting to diminish my role in the crime, and I regret the decision to ride along on a daily basis. But I was…



More Than Our Crimes
About Me Stories

Rob Barton has been incarcerated for 26 years. Pam Bailey is his collaborator/editor. Learn more at MoreThanOurCrimes.org