About Me — Robin Wilding

Robin Wilding 💎
About Me Stories
Published in
2 min readOct 28, 2022


Hi, I’m Robin. I write stuff.

After over a decade of writing professionally, I came to the Medium Promised Land for the too-good-to-be-true passive income that I saw in YouTube videos (sound familiar?). But, what I found was so much better. I found my tribe. An online community of writers, where I can be funny, snarky, quirky — or whatever I want to be. I am relishing in writing about what I want (finally), and now don’t give a rat's arse if I never make a dollar on here.

Me not giving a rodent’s caboose about making money on here is a handy dandy view to have since it seems I missed the gold rush days. Currently, only about 6% of Medium writers make ‘over’ $100/month, an amount which I personally consider unpaid writing.

On a hike in Malaysia, in search of the Rafflesia: a parasitic flowering plant. I found it; it smelled like a rotting corpse, but it was hella pretty.

Working online for about 15 years now I have loved the freedom it has given me. It has allowed me to live in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico for over a decade, and travel extensively throughout Central America and SE Asia.

I’ve become an advanced-certified scuba diver, went volcano boarding, hiked up mountains, surfed— kind of (when you’re learning there’s a fine line between surfing and repeatedly almost drowning), accidentally went to Australia…



Robin Wilding 💎
About Me Stories

Pro Writer • Amateur Twatopotamus • Boost Nominator • Knobhead of the Year 2022 • Possibly a Dude