About Me — Rose Butcher

Oh, ADHD… how I love thee… let me count the… LOOK, A PIGEON!!!

Lens of Rose
About Me Stories


What is this plum even looking at??

I used to write moody poetry on Medium to cope with being miserable and lonely throughout the pandemic. My first thing ever published here was my attempt to explain how it felt to live undiagnosed with ADHD for three decades.

I can now sum it up in one word though…


If not by other people claiming to know what and who I am, then by myself due to the crippling lack of self-esteem I had (and still have).

Do you know when you hear people say “I knew there was something different about me” only after they’ve heard the diagnosis penny drop? That’s completely lost on me.

A socially awkward ADHD fairy

Since leaving school, I’ve struggled with “fitting in” and “getting on with it”.

Desperately making friends as a young adult usually with whoever would give me the time of day… Not able to be 100% “in it” with chosen careers because when I’d hit a certain milestone, I’d crumble and have to quit… Not knowing what was “wrong” with me…

I also dropped out of university believing I was too stupid and incapable of achieving my degree.



Lens of Rose
About Me Stories

Low-budget cinematic filming in search of life's difficult answers. Designing for bills, filming for thrills. 🎢 [ Ep1 "Happy" Pills? - now filming ] 🎥