About Me — Ruby Lee

I’m officially a Blue-haired old lady

Ruby Lee
About Me Stories


I am a wife, a mother of two sons, a sister, a daughter, and a retired teacher. I’m finally fulfilling my lifelong dream of writing. I don’t know if I’m any good or not; I know that it brings me joy to tell a story.

I keep wondering if anyone is listening to my stories, but it doesn’t matter; I’m going to keep writing them.

I was the caboose baby born long after my brother and sisters. They were gone and grown long before I was. I spent a lot of time as a child alone reading books. I still like to read and now I like to write them.

Me when I was an elementary school librarian

I was close to my father. If he got in his car, I was getting in with him. I didn’t care where we were going. My favorite time was getting a Payday bar whenever he went to get cigarettes. It’s the simple things in life that we remember from our childhood. I love to tell stories about him doing crazy stuff like doing repairs backward. Up switches were installed down, and the cold tap was really the hot tap. He had dyslexia, but nobody knew what that was when he was a kid. He was also color blind and only wore white socks. He was a good father to me.



Ruby Lee
About Me Stories

Mother, Wife, Teacher, Librarian, Teller of Stories. Author of The Marriage Wars by Leeanne Beasley Berry. Top Writer in Parenting, This Happened to Me, Humor