About Me — Rucha S Jamale

Rucha Jamale
About Me Stories
Published in
12 min readSep 1, 2021

A normal girl trying to adjust in this huge world. Never thought I would write my mini autobiography this soon, but here it is!

Happy Me! (PC: Author files)

Hey, I’m Rucha, born in the mid-'90s, a Software engineer by profession, hailing from India. The youngest girl in my paternal family and intermediator mid sibling in my Maternal family. Yes, we have huge families!

There is an interesting story behind my birth, my name, and the meaning of my name. So my first name is pronounced as Ru-cha — RU from rumor and CHA from charming, a short and sweet name with a deep meaning. And my last name is pronounced as Ja-maa-le. Rucha is an ancient Sanskrit word. In English, it translates as Richa, yep, there is a whole Wikipedia on it. In short words, each couplet of Rigveda is known as Rucha. Rigveda is the biggest among all the Vedas. So Rucha is the combination of words written to praise someone’s splendors, mostly words written to praise God. Okay in the modern world you can simply term Rucha as lyrics. (Fyi Good lyrics only 😉). I was given this name by my dad, he was out for some office training where he spotted the name Rucha on some hoarding or restaurant banner and immediately stamped the name in his brain.

Before I was born, in my close family there were a bunch of boys born in the late ’80s and early ’90s. So definitely my parents wanted a girl, as they were annoyed by all those little boys (come on you have to accept it, at initial ages boys are the naughtiest). And then I was born with Mannat or Navas by petition to the goddess Ambabai. And I’m forever thankful for my parents for offering special prayers for a girl in that era where Female Feticide was trending in India. I mean how can you abort a child based on its gender, it takes entire 2–3 months to create genitals in the womb, and after being 3 months pregnant seeing the girl genital you decide to abort it, just because girls get married and move to a new house and you need a son to survive in the old age, how selfish and brutal is this! Even if I was the eldest and had no brothers, my parents would never attempt this, cause at a young age, I have seen my parents convincing and standing against people who did this sin, including myself at the age of 12. Kudos to my younger self who had this knowledge, and big thanks to my parents for bringing me to this world and nourishing me with Feminism.

I came into this world on a relaxed December Sunday where I was a gift for my father whereas, my name was a surprise to my mother, my dad kept my name secret from my mom and she got to knew it directly from the doctors while signing the hospital documents — till then my name was already official. (Obvi my dad is a brave man😎😂 )

Tiny me with Suga who is 9 months older than me (IYKUK😝) (PC: Author files)

I was born and bought up in Maharashtra the third-largest state in India. I only know two Indian languages, Marathi my mother tongue, and Hindi our national language. I used ‘only’ because there are 22 official languages out of 121 major languages in India and as an Indian, we almost hear all of these languages regularly, but recently for a change and interest, I’m learning Korean which is quite similar to south Indian languages. (Btw I can write my name in Korean 😁)

I belong to a typical Maharashtrian family. My father is a class one government officer and my mom is a homemaker. I have an elder brother and we are never on the same page! (Recently he got married, solace to my sister-in-law 😝) My parents are totally contrary. My dad is my biggest motivator while my mom is my biggest criticizer. My mom has the smartest brain and an unbeatable sarcastic mouth. (Aren’t all moms the same?) My dad always taught me to fly high and have big dreams, never settle for average, be special and find a unique path; while my mom always reminded me that don’t fly too high that you get forever disconnected from the land. My childhood and teenage years were surrounded by my father. My favorite hobby was to keenly observe and act like him. He is a complete genius, nerd by heart, most systematic, funniest, highly confident man with a larger-than-life aura, one simply can’t ignore his presence in a room, my biggest compliment is if someone says “You are like your father and these years- you remind me of your Dad”. I’m still figuring out am I the luckiest or the most unfortunate daughter as I could spend only 16 years with my Pappa. In 2010 we lost him on his 50th birthday. Greedy god only takes good people with him. My whole life changed in a fraction of seconds. In a second I had to switch from an innocent naughty kid to a responsible mature teenager. I was speechless and my life became aimless. I can’t even explain what it feels like to lose your sole world. A world, full of happiness, hope, fun, and goals. It felt like someone pressed the restart button in my life, I had to start my life again from the scratch. I had to find myself again with this incurable wound. I still remember healing myself.

Me and Pappa in the middle of the Indian Ocean in front of a big drillship. (PC: Author files)

I’m a friendly person, I have many friends and I really care for them, but my top four core BFFs are my support systems right from childhood. I have grown up watching Hannah Montana and I always knew a group of three besties is inevitable and I’m more than blessed that I have 2 bunch of triplets. We 3 since kindergarten and we 3 idiots since engineering and that’s my very own 4 friends cum sisters, they know me better than myself, can kick me if I misbehaved, and love me selflessly, and are tolerating this crazy girl for decades. Friends are indeed necessary but getting good friends is a true blessing. We definitely had our share of fights, our share of disagreements but one last thing we all knew is we all have each other’s back, will be there for the rest of our lives and that’s our greatest treasure. In recent years we are living in different cities in fact different countries but trust me distance really doesn’t matter, many say that long-distance relationships teach you many things, but trust me, long-distance friendship teaches you a lot more than that!

Wanna see what our Ancestors wore? This Nauvari Saree! (Me posing at College Traditional day in front of my 2 idiots 🙈) (PC: Author files)

Ph.D. — This was the answer I got when I asked my dad what the highest education is, I want to do that! But within few months of my Masters, I gave up on attempting Ph.D.(One should know their limits🤐). After lots of blood, sweat, and tears I completed my Engineering+Masters of Technology in Computers and decided that I’m never going to study again. I thought now I’m a master and I will get a job anywhere, I was hell wrong. I was overqualified, I gave several interviews but the answer was the same- Overqualified! I needed a job asap as already all my friends were working when I was busy in masters, also at this age I don’t wanted to be financially dependent on my family, already after my dad my mom was handling everything like a pro! My dad based a strong foundation and my wise mother build above that, hence now it was my and my brothers turn to grow and achieve! More of that I knew how I was treated like a princess around my father and somehow I missed that after we lost him. By then I knew the importance of financial independence and I wanted to make sure nothing changes. I still remember when I was a school kid I used to visit my dad’s office and sit into his chair in his cabin and give orders to him, his colleagues used to also participate in this fun play, and then they all used to pamper and offer me lots of food. But after years when we revisited his office, the desk nameplate was changed, the same cabin felt detached, just then some new officer asked “who are you, sorry it’s being so long I don’t remember your father’s name.” At that moment, I lost my smile permanently and decided that I need to create my own stronger and smarter identity that people will never forget. And finally, after plenty of efforts, I landed in a good company with a good job profile. After all this I recognized Degrees are just on paper, the biggest university is Life!

Me in my natural habitat! (This one is special as my bestie dragged me to cheer me up to this beautiful lake when I was suffering from Interview rejections and guess what within a week I got a job 👻) (PC: Author files)

I love dancing. When we were children I was the kid who was at the first line in all the school performances. I was trained in Indian classical dance Bharatnatyam for 2.5 years, but later my mom removed me from the dance class saying that dance was not for me as I was a lazy ass and we need super strength for dancing (I was not lazy yaar, kids are so busy with studies, different classes, tuition, how I’m supposed to retain strength). My biggest regret is that I never thought of continuing Dance again instead studied hard for securing a regular job! But back in my mind I always wanted to do something cool and different than other people, a profession never heard of before, something fun and exciting. (Sad reality is now, even at the age of 27 I’m not able to figure it out). I have many artistic hobbies, as a school kid, I had many winning certificates for drawing, painting, Mehendi (Henna) drawing competition, etc. I was also good in extracurricular activities even sports too. I was in Red house, in high school also served as Red house captain — the winning house. (I can bet you that maximum of the time Red house is always the ultimate winner 😎) As a child, I was really a happening person, no idea what happened when I turned adult the happening part got confined within my close circle only. Sometimes I still cherish my beloved hobbies. Today, if I would have more confident and talented, I would have been a Performer rather than Engineer. But today I enjoy my job because once my dad told me when I was terrible in History subject that —

If you don’t have interest in something but you still need to do that thing, then create interest in it and then do it, things will automatically change. (Trust me this works!)

💙 WHO AM I ?!
Do I even know who am I? I simply don’t know what to write in this section! As per my gals (what is girls! It’s either gals or gurls okay 💁) — I’m a crackpot who can spend my entire life in a single room, an annoying picky Af person who does not settle for regular things, a person who can be irritating and funny at the same time by just being normal. (Did I just insulted myself 🤔 Gurls we need to talk 😑). They call me Aajibai (Grandma) but believe that I’m a naughty kid. They say if I can even change the world, and at the same time they are worried that I might waste my life lying on the bed. I mean what an Antithesis! I think my whole life is a big Antithesis, now I get it why cause I’m an ultimate INFJ Aquarian! I’m an Aquarius who is an INFJ (Sigh!) Wow-what an ironic combination! Aquarius works as ON or OFF while INFJ work as a plus or minus. Awesome, so when I’m ON and plus I can change the world, while when I waste my youth lying on the bed I’m OFF and minus. (Confused? IKR I have spent decades understanding myself). Well to simplify I’m just a unique creature with a sorted mind and a pure soul. I’m that innocent modern Grandma who believes in being kind, humble, and spreading happiness. (Ahem ahem 😌)

I always say — before finding anyone else let us find ourselves first! And then I discovered that I have not two but four contradictory people living inside me (Aquarius alert! We are a full combo pack). Relationships were always very hard for me because initially, I used to think only being in love was enough, and obvi I belonged to those dreamy teenagers who think — There is always someone who is meant for you and will suddenly fall from the skies and will marry you (apologies from my younger self 😂)and then as I grew up I realized that — Falling in Love is easy but staying in Love is really hard. Love needs immense amount of efforts and, from both the sides. (Alert – Overthinking tri-ggered) This topic seriously gives me stress! F*ck this topic, I just know that someone really special is made for me and he’ll be surely worth the wait, or maybe even smiling while reading this 😉 (Stop you dreamy ass!)

But, I think beyond love and life there relies a Purpose and I believe that everyone is born with a Purpose – rather a duty from Universe you need to fulfil and I don’t know about today but someday I will find the reason for my existence and assist this beautiful world in making a better place ✨

The following grid memes are representations of my complex yet plain life:

Me in a nutshell part-I (PC: NOT ME but all the generous Instagrammers (I hope this won’t violate the copyrights, Please🥺))
Me in a nutshell part-II (PC: NOT ME but all the generous Instagrammers)

To be frank, I seriously don’t have any writing goals 😁I’m just here because I wanted a platform where I could be my true self expressing my life, experiences, and any random thing that comes to my mind, maybe recording my life. I don’t want to get trapped by deadlines, n number of articles daily, weekly, monthly, nothing! I just want it to grow organically as time passes that’s it! (Sounds dumb right? who cares🤪)

💙FUN FACTS about me
I can use the mouse with both hands.
▪ I love the color Blue so much that if a guy came in a Blue shirt I’m already 50% impressed.
▪ I’m into that 1% population who don’t like ice-creams.
▪ I’m a Sea lover and I want to be a Mermaid in my next life, anyways I don’t like my short legs.
▪ I was so independent since childhood that at age three I came home safely walking alone from playschool (of course my mom fought with my teacher)
▪ I’m not at all a clumsy person, but I fall often that I have 10+ scars on my body and each scar has a story.
▪ I don’t like my soft baby voice because while arguing it does not convey my enraged tone and feelings and that pisses me off. (Strange life — for the same voice many people have suggested to me that I should try singing😶)
▪ I absolutely love sleeping, the longest I have slept is 14hrs straight (please don’t tell my mom else I’ll be homeless)
▪ To be continued… 😁

Now signing off by showing off! cause why not?!😆 (I love dressing up, but just twice a year😜) (PC: Author files)
My 2 chaddi buddies (PC: Author files)
My 2 idiots/ monkeys (PC: Author files)
Flaunting Fam at Bro’s wedding (PC: Author files)
Look at that poor kiddo😂 How am I suppose to part away from water, damn we were at the Kanyakumari — the meeting point of three oceans-the Bay of Bengal, the Arabian Sea, and the Indian Ocean (PC: My Dad, the best photographer eva😎)

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Rucha Jamale
About Me Stories

A girl who likes to recites stories! Basically, I don’t write, I talk with you through my writings!💁