About Me — Russ W

Surviving and Thriving Despite My Best Attempts to Self-Destruct

Russ W
About Me Stories


Proud Tottenham Hotspur supporter (even through all the meltdowns). Also, that’s Central Park.
Proud Tottenham Hotspur supporter (even through all the meltdowns). Also, that’s Central Park.

Hello, friend. Thanks for sharing a moment of your time.

I’m Russ. I’m a 42-year-old Californian living in NYC. People always ask me how I ended up on the East Coast. I suppose I wanted to run away.

You could say I’m good at running. It seems to be a “through-line” snaking its way through every chapter of my life.

I ran from playground bullies and childhood trauma into a land of hobbits, dragons and rings. I ran from poor verbal acuity, standardized tests and tutors into video games and D&D. I sprinted from my feelings and social awkwardness into cookies, chips and cartoons. I ran and ran and ran on the soccer field until I was the last one standing.

I ran from my anxieties into drugs. I ran 3,000 miles away from my friends and family in LA to the East Coast [this is known as “pulling a geographic” in the addiction recovery world]. I ran from my insecurities into master’s degrees and inflated, overcompensating business titles. I ran from relationships, connections and consciousness into alcohol.

I didn’t know it then, but all those years I was really running from myself.

I simply didn’t want to be me.



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