About Me—Ryan Chin
In my older age, I’m getting soft, and I’ve learned to do stupid things much smarter.
Tired of all the white, bearded, and hairy fuckers! Go bald smooth and Chinese!
That’s what I wrote on dating apps when I encouraged women to change it up from the norm in Portland, Oregon. Luckily, dating apps are not needed nowadays, as I’ve been with a wonderful woman for over four years.
I have many amazing friends of all colors and textures, so please don’t be offended if you are a hairy-white dude. I love you, man!
In addition to being smooth, I’m also a Daddy, writer, personal trainer, fly fisher, aspiring wing-foiler, and a surfer — mainly in that order. I have two books out in the world and many works in progress in various stages.
Like many middle-aged dudes, I’m divorced. I’m the best Dad I can be now without trying to make my marriage work, although the healing was long and tough. For years, I treated my job at the local dive bar like the CEO of a start-up.
Someone needed to clock in at the corner stool to complete the scene. I was that guy slumped over, drinking…