About Me — Saanjh

A Coding Enthusiast | Flutter Developer | Computer Science Student | Home Chef | Reader & Writer | Indian | Karma Yogini

About Me Stories
3 min readNov 22, 2020


Photo by Author.

In a Nutshell

Hello there, I’m Priya Mishra(Saanjh is my nickname) from Mumbai, India and I’m 21 years old. Currently pursuing a Bachelor's Degree in Engineering from the University of Mumbai.

My Interests

I love to cook food, do yoga, read books, and most recently I have developed an interest in writing too.

My passion for cooking is since I was only 13 years old. I love to make various dishes. It gives me immense pleasure to plate my dishes and hop onto them as soon as they are ready. So actually not only home chef I'm also a foodie.

Biryani made by me.

During the pandemic, I realized how important it is to maintain proper health for our well being. So, I also started yoga and found it really helpful in many ways. It doesn't only help the physical body but also the mental health and the soul.

Apart from these, I also like to read books on numerous topics like Self discipline, Self-improvement, Health, Finance, and Spirituality. Reading gives me different perspectives on life and I’m able to discover new things now and then. There are almost 50 books on my Google play books eagerly waiting for me to complete them.

In September 2020, I came across the medium partner program and found a wonderful way to share my thoughts and ideas with everyone. So I started writing on medium. It’s a completely new journey for me.

College Life

Apart from my studies, I learned various things in my 4 years of my graduation. I developed an interest in coding which helped me in my problem-solving skills.

I was Vice President of the Computer Society of India chapter of my college for two years. Learned to build teams, work collaboratively with them, and organized various events. From here, I gained leadership skills.

In my early years of college, I made a few websites. Now I have shifted to making mobile apps on flutter. I also make projects on Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Transfer Learning, etc…

I keep learning new technologies as this field is very vast and dynamic.


In early 2020, before the covid outburst, I have traveled to many places across the country. You can check the pics clicked by me/for me below.

Me in Amritsar, Punjab, India.
Me in Manali, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Solang Valley, Himachal Pradesh, India.
Golden Temple, Amritsar, Punjab, India.
Tents in Kullu-Manali, India.
Rock Garden, Chandigarh, India.

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About Me Stories

Full Stack Web Developer | Home Chef | Reader & Writer | My Linktree: https://linktr.ee/Saanjh