About Me — Sally Prag

What some may know, others may wish to know, and yet others don’t give two hoots.

Sally Prag
About Me Stories


Hi! It’s me!

Hey! Great to have you stop by ;)

Pull up a virtual seat and I will put on the virtual kettle for a cuppa.

I may or may not have yet read about you, but I guess this is where you get to find out all about me, so here goes…

Me and my dog Ginger, by our beloved sea.

I am not going to pretend that I started this life off having any kind of a clue about where I would be heading in life, and I don’t pretend to know now. Every day I wake up and think…

How have I landed here, and where will this day take me?

Every day brings surprises, and planning ahead is like some comical notion that only exists in other worlds besides mine.

Yet, every day I show up to bring a little something into the world. I think it’s slowly working in my favour.

So, who REALLY am I? And what do I do?

I was born in Malaysia to an English father and an Israeli mother, travelled between the far east, Israel, the UK, and Africa for the first eleven years…



Sally Prag
About Me Stories

Wilfully niche-less, playfully word-weaving. Rethinking life through my words. Sometimes too seriously, sometimes not seriously enough.