About Me — Sara Burdick

From a holler in Kentucky to living in Colombia.

Sara Burdick
About Me Stories


Straight from the Holler, dirty feet and all!

My Story

Hi. I’m Sara Burdick. Welcome to my About Me story!

I was born and raised in a small town in Kentucky. In the ’80s! When life was simpler.

Born in the house that I was raised in and delivered by my father. In a holler.

If you are not from the south, you are wondering, what is a holler? A holler is a valley that usually sits between two mountains, or hills. The story goes when you holler up the mountain and it hollers back- hence holler!

Yes it is kind of silly, but true or at least that's what my father told me! I have 3 siblings I am the oldest of the 3, so the responsible one. We were all born at home, except my brother. He is fancy and was born in a hospital!

My parents were hippies, and we lived off the land before it was cool. Needless to say, we were poor and happy.

This could be my obsession with returning to this lifestyle. We learned about the plants, the trees, the animals, and how to survive on very little.

We had a greenhouse attached to our house, which I thought was the coolest even as a kid. Except we did not have a bathroom, we had an outhouse! This was not cool as a kid.



Sara Burdick
About Me Stories

I quit the rat race after working as a nurse for 16 years. Travel and Storyteller. I live in Colombia. https://linktr.ee/saraaliceburdick