About Me — Sevgi Ikinci

Not sure about anything…

Sevgi Ikinci
About Me Stories


After contemplating the ‘about me’ article for a while, I saw different aspects of ‘me.’ This was both exciting and scary. It was scary because how you perceive yourself, and represent yourself would be people’s first thoughts of you. You may be different from what you say about yourself.

I guess I proved what I meant with the subtitle via the paragraph above. :)

I’m a poet.

I accept this was accidental. I was shaping a story in my head, and I only wanted to write it down. It was my first poem, concise and sharp. But I owned it and didn’t stop after that. The form of writing I did was poetry for a long time. I don’t count the poem I wrote before this accident. I was way too shy about my emotions as a teenager. Poetry was amazing to hide behind.

I’m a writer.

It was hard to come out of my shell and claim that I’m a writer. I wrote poems, short stories, essays, books of dairies, but I hesitated to say that I’m a writer. Two of my poems were published in two different collections in 2019 and 2020. There is a strange way of thinking that you would feel more like a writer if you had published something. This statement is not true. At least not entirely true. If you write, you are a writer. You might be a shitty one, but you must accept that…



Sevgi Ikinci
About Me Stories

Turkish New Zealander writer and office worker. Writes all sorts. Focusing on personal development stories on Medium and working on a sci-fi-fantasy novel.