About Me — Shain Slepian

Waiting for a punchline

Shain Slepian
About Me Stories


Nope, still can’t find it.

If I could synthesize my essence into a single phrase, I think it would be “well, this is awkward.”

Irony and authenticity are always tugging my brain in different directions. I’m an excitable, loud-mouthed nerd, who is compelled to temper everything they say with cynicism and just a teaspoon of morbidity.

Just think of me as the dullest Miyazaki film you’ve ever seen.

I’m 26, never lived anywhere but New York City, and have an innate revulsion toward doing things. I’m not very interesting, in other words. I could list the most impressive facts about myself in an attempt to obfuscate that fact, and I may do just that, but at my core I am a very boring person.

And I’m okay with that.

For me, fitting in is a form of standing out. As much as I love watching from the sidelines, my big mouth often forces me to interject myself in conversations where I don’t belong. My ability to stay quiet, to listen closely, is a skill I work to sharpen everyday. I believe, or hope, that this improves my writing.

I think the world and everything in it is incredible, miraculous, and distinctly improbable. The fact that I am alive and conscious is ridiculously lucky. Every person I meet is fascinating and endlessly profound, and…



Shain Slepian
About Me Stories

Shain is a screenwriter and screenplay editor. For more content, follow their blog and check out their YouTube channel, TimeCapsule. shainslepian.com/