About Me — Shenbaga Lakshmi

The Girl With the Motto — Live and Let Live!

Shenbaga Lakshmi
About Me Stories


The author is sitting by a lake, facing the sunset in Sweden
Shenba in Sweden


வணக்கம்! (va-na-kam)

Guten Tag!

नमस्ते! (na-mas-they)

Yes, I speak roughly four languages 😃


Hi, I’m Shenba. I am a software developer who speaks Java and Angular. But my 6–10 passion is writing. I’m currently in Munich, enjoying my morning pepper pretzels.

I’ve been writing forever. I won my first essay writing competition when I was seven years old. After that, I won another. Then another. Soon, writing filled my soul.

I am also an avid traveler. I had this incredible idea of creating my 30 under 30 travel list. Though Covid made it difficult, I traveled to 10 new countries in 2022 alone and did it! Currently, I have shot glasses from 31 countries in my house.

And then, I call myself an ambivert. There are days when you’ll find me roaming the streets of Munich, smiling and greeting everybody. On other days, you’ll find me tucked in a corner, immersed in a book, or pondering my life choices.

Both Yin and Yang!

What am I up to?



Shenbaga Lakshmi
About Me Stories

Software engineer chasing cultural stories. 4x Top Writer. Best life tip: Text your friends back! Contact: shenbawrites@gmail.com