About Me — Shrishty Chandra

Meet another Software Engineer!

Shrishty Chandra
About Me Stories
4 min readApr 3, 2023


Hey there! 😊 I’m so happy you’ve dropped by. Your visit here tells me you’re keen to get to know me better, and that truly warms my heart. 🙌 I can’t wait to share my world with you. So, shall we dive in?

I’m all about learning, and I love to find new stuff where I can level up my skills. At the moment, I’m really learning photography 📷 and working on my communication skills with my very own podcast, Be Curious with Shrishty🎙️.

My Job

I am a Software Engineer at Google (laid off and then hired back, but that's a story for another day 🙂). I am passionate about building software, solving customer problems, and making their lives easier. Software engineering is very close to my heart, whenever I build something new, I get a deep sense of satisfaction that is unexplainable.

My expertise is around the cloud, specifically GCP, and AWS. I am lucky to work in 2 big tech companies Amazon and Google where I got exposure to building large-scale systems. I am also lucky to work in a startup (Deserve) where I learned the skill of building scalable systems from scratch.

My Podcast: Be Curious with Shrishty

But that's not all of me I also have a podcast named Be Curious with Shrishty, where I talk to leaders and find out what has helped them reach that level in their careers.

You can connect with me on LinkedIn if:

  • You want to get updates on my podcast.
  • You have guest suggestions.
  • If you want to be my Guest.
  • Do you have any feedback on my podcast?
  • Or if you just want to talk.

What do I write about in Medium?

  • I write about Software Engineering, specifically my learnings in the software industry.
  • My productivity workflows — I wouldn’t say I am a productivity expert but I write about what has worked for me and I am still learning. If you are interested in my productivity workflow, read this: How I organize my Mac as a Software Developer and How I deal with information overload.
  • I also write about my learnings from life. I may write a bit more coz a new experience got added to my experience bucket post my layoff from my dream company Google.

Other Skills I have?

  • I like to draw. Here is one that I am proud of.
Art by Author (Msg me if you want to see more)
  • I also like to sing. Here are some songs which I recorded long back. Please don’t mind the background noise. I have recorded on my super noisy laptop without any headphones etc.
  • I like photography but I am a newbie, check out these photos I have taken.
  • I love to play games. Right now I am playing Minecraft, before this, I was a PUBG addict and my all-time favorite game series is Tomb Raider (I love it ❤️)
  • I am a huge anime fan. I have grown with Naruto and I still love it. [Although this does not come under skills 😉]

My Favourite Books

I love to read and listen to audiobooks.

My Favourite Apps

  • Readwise: I like to organize the content everywhere around the internet, so I use @Readwise and @Readwise Reader. I love the feature of adding tags to the highlights. You can subscribe to my highlights here.
  • Figma: I love Figma, especially with keyboard shortcuts. I am not an expert in UX design etc but I use Figma to draw diagrams for systems.
  • Postman: If you work with APIs you must checkout postman. Here is an article I wrote about postman sometime back. Its features are so developer friendly
  • Notion: Notion for me is like my brain dump. I save everything I want to remember in notion. The best part about notion is that it supports markdown which makes my typing experience way better than any other note-taking app.
  • Day One: I am also a huge fan of the Day One app. It helps me keep track of my daily highs and lows and it's a way to free up my mind from millions of thoughts that are running in my head.

And last but not least:

  • I organize my online stuff. If your interests are similar to mine you could check out my public lists on Medium and youtube.

Thanks for reading 🙂

