About Me — Silas Vance

Relentless pursuer of ideas, travel tips, and unique methods of earning income

Silas Vance
About Me Stories
2 min readMay 16, 2024


Photo by Tobias Cornille on Unsplash

Oops! I guess I was supposed to introduce myself before I barged right in with my first story on Medium.

Well, that was rude of me. To make up for that I will keep this brief.

In a nutshell, I’m just a guy who fell in love with entrepreneurial ideas at a young age. I’ve done everything from window washing to wedding photography.

Eventually I stumbled upon the concept of making money online as a digital marketer. I was running and operating websites back when blog comments were an actual form of SEO instead of a means of showing appreciation for an author’s work.

I work behind a computer screen at home, a coffee shop, or on the road.

I have a love for travel (especially cruising), finance, business, and anything that encourages an indomitable spirit.

Living in the foothills of North Carolina, I have easy access to amazing hiking trails, while still being a stone’s throw from the city.

What kind of content can you expect from me?

Good question. My intent is to write about my passions. In the future you will find articles about travel tips, internet marketing trends, business hacks, and a few of my stock and options trading blunders to help brighten your day.

It’s always nice to know someone made worse decisions than you did, right?

I may even write about my short roller coaster ride with Newsbreak that eventually led me to Medium — How I made over $7,000 one month and could barely break $1 dollar the next with the same content.

That one might be too soon. The wound is still fresh, so maybe wait a few weeks for that success/sob story.

Should you follow me?

Does a one-legged duck swim in a circle? I mean come on now!

But seriously, I don’t see why you would — unless you also love cruising, the stock market, online marketing, and Italian food (not sure how I forgot to mention that sooner).

On the other hand, it’s not hard to click the unfollow button, so can’t be too much harm in it, right? If you like my style and my twisted perspective, then let’s take this journey of the mind together.

I should do a more in-depth about me article to paint the full picture, but until I see if this Medium thing is a good fit for me, the CliffsNotes should do for now.

