About me — Soyal Khan

Soyal khan Aj
About Me Stories
Published in
3 min readJul 12, 2021

A boy in seek of attention to his writing, trying to build a health care system.

Introduction to the story: I don’t use any lie or extra glorious element that doesn’t belong to me, everything is true and about real me.

Who I am?

Welcome and very warm thank you for visiting my profile page, I’m 16 years old living in the Indian state Rajasthan,


My house is surrounded by lovely crops around the year,

My proud home.

Most of my family members serve in the Indian Army, and that same they want from me, but I want to dedicate my life to build a health care system (startup), this always makes my parents aggressive towards me because they feel this approach will make me a failure in life.

Where right now I am standing in my life?

I find myself now as in the poem “ The road not taken” by Robert frost, standing at a point where two roads diverged and now I have to choose one.

First Road- The road which is more traveled by family members and relatives too, road which never offer failure according to them, do service of 20–25 years in Army, retire happily and spent the remainder of life in the farm very easily, this road offer security of money, respect, and marriage.

Second Road- The road which my family member never heard about, a road which is full of uncertainty, stress, unforgiving and offers nothing in security.

This road becomes more challenging for me because at this point I don’t know how to accelerate my idea, only one resource right now I have is the internet nothing more, but I have tremendous faith in ALLAH.

Which road I will choose?

Even all points are against road no.2, but my heart continuously beat towards it, how many times may I ask this question, answer is always the same and I know I have suffer hard to follow this.

Healthcare that I want.

These days tech health care startups are getting a lot of traction from VC’s, yet truly there are very few startups that have some worth, the problem with most startups is that they just assume about the customer they don’t have any serious data about a customer, I want to change this with my approach

  1. Input
  2. Process
  3. Output

I think with this I can establish new health care, my main focus is to find the most efficient way to know about the human body( input).

I know this is going off from the topic (about me) but this is my life mission and the only reason to mention it here.

Some work that I love to do (hobbies)

I love writing always feel very calm after sharing my thoughts on paper, pen and paper are my best friend (my most patient friends), cycling is my top priority to enjoy the evening, pondering while listening to audiobooks and learning about the character of Prophet Muhammad(saww)and try to fit in me.

Skills that I have

I know to write, know a bit of web dev, humble in communication in every condition and can give a new idea to your startup.

Typically, I learn only those skills that I have to use, if anyone tries to teach me anything without meaning then I became too much irritating and that’s why I don’t like schools and colleges.

Why I’m using Medium?

From reading above you may know writing becomes my passion-hobby, now I want to see its effect on others by sharing my good thoughts (not time-wasting for others), entrepreneurial journey, and uncertainty.

What I’m not going to share on Medium?

The content I’ll share is 100% restricted from lies, private notes, unbiased stories, time-wasting for others, and affiliate or any kind of story that just focus to earn money.

What I’m hoping for from my readers?

Let’s connect and I’m ready for any kind of collaboration you may ask, happy if you DM me on Twitter, please try to follow my writing journey that starts from today.


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Soyal khan Aj
About Me Stories

Love to write, most of my writing is from my journaling 📖 📓 , i develop beautiful websites if you need one connect me with https://mobile.twitte