About Me — Sruthi Korlakunta

I think of myself as Pac-man collecting pointless dots on its way to certain death.

Sruthi Korlakunta
About Me Stories
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2021


Hi. Nice to meet you, what’s your name?

(Also, n2mywyn is my current ear-worm. Feel free to let it play in the BG while you read further.)

Will this bite me in the backside when I’m famous?

I’ve recently established a foolproof benchmark of self-evaluation.

I ask myself this: “Will this bite me in the backside when I’m famous?”. Think about how would it look on the title page of The New Yorker.

I ask myself that when I am about to do what the demon on my shoulder just told me. Happens way more often than it should, btw.

Yesterday, he ordered me to give myself a larger scoop of dessert than what I gave my guests. I smudged the scoop on my plate and broke it into two so that the others don’t notice that mine is bigger. I wouldn’t want that in the New Yorker. But I did it anyway.

Damn, I think about these things way more than I should!


I want to be a believer really bad. I don’t care what, but I’d LOVE to believe.



Sruthi Korlakunta
About Me Stories

I write on tech, books, and lifestyle. | Data analyst | Made human by all the people who love me.