About Me — Sundown Sessions

Dedicated to the After Hours™️. All my articles in one place, updated regularly.

About Me Stories


Last update: 5th August 2021

avatar with orange hair (like the sunset)
Avatar made using Avatar Maker
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About Me

First off, I do not look like that in real life. For one, I do not have orange hair (though I wouldn’t be opposed to dyeing it?). I just thought it’d defeat the purpose of an anonymous name (Sundown Sessions) if I used a real picture of myself, right?

So, for the purpose of all things Medium: Hi, my name is Sundown Sessions and I have orange hair. My hair, eyes, t-shirt and background are in the colours of the sunset. If you didn’t already know, I love the sunset. Not as much as the sunrise, but ‘Sunrise Sessions’ sounds weird.

Sundown Sessions was made with a clear ‘tagline’ in mind: After Hours. After Hours refers to the time after school, work, or whatever obligations you have during the day. It’s the 7pm-12pm. (Or, if you have the mental capacity, the 7pm-2am. I absolutely cannot stay up past 11pm.) It’s the gradual quietening of the neighbourhood as people wrap themselves up on the couch. It’s the shadows in the darkening night as workers order late takeaways and families order supper.



About Me Stories

I write about self-improvement and entrepreneurship to help you design your beautiful life | basilsbookshelf.substack.com