About Me — Sunshine ZombieGirl

AKA Kate, Existential Editor extraordinaire.

Sunshine Zombiegirl
About Me Stories


Author, Nov 6, 2020

Quick fun facts: I’m 46, have been married since I was 18, and have two boys over the age of 21. I’ve got a Bachelor’s in Business Administration, and I owned my own company for five years.

I’ve taught myself sewing, jewelry, bottle beading, cross-stitch, embroidery, making headdresses, and costumes. I designed my tiny house, learned landscaping, carpentry, painting, patio building, driveway repair, and building code. I navigated dealing with contractors, worked as a home stager, organizer, and decluttered a ton of junk. I homeschooled my children and am the instigator of all things when friends really want to get something accomplished.

I grew up in the heat and desert of Arizona. It gave me a respect for water and arable land. One of my biggest dreams as a kid was to live somewhere that had real trees and lakes.

Then I moved to Wisconsin and Minnesota. I still love trees and lakes.

My family took a lot of road trips when I was a kid. It opened me up to the idea that people can live anywhere and do anything and go anywhere if they have enough gas. Also, five gallon buckets suck for peeing into while sitting down.

