About Me — Susie Kearley

Freelance Writer, Author, Novelist, Photographer

Susie Kearley
About Me Stories


Me on Felixstowe Beach earlier this year © Vic Kearley

I live in the Chilterns, Buckinghamshire, England, with two young guinea pigs and an aging husband.

I’m a freelance writer for magazines and occasionally newspapers. My debut novel, Pestilence, was published in January 2021. It’s timely, because it follows the story of a deadly pandemic, which brings about the end of the world. I completed the manuscript in winter 2019, just before Covid struck!

I joined Medium to explore opportunities for work - a lot of my clients stopped commissioning in 2020, and securing enough work has been getting harder. The concept of Medium and getting paid for reads sounds more appealing than pitching into the void of silence, which seems to represent the publishing industry sometimes.

I like to write about writing, publishing, personal thoughts and musings, health, the environment, travel, animals, books, and memoir. I’m active on twitter and have a collection of books here.

Some of my most popular stories on Medium include:



Susie Kearley
About Me Stories

Freelance writer UK. Outrageous opinions. Occasionally offends by accident. Covers writing, health, psychology, memoir, current affairs, copyright, environment.